I love him. He cherishes me and I hurt when I'm not with him
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Dream #1702
I dream to one day be completely happy with my life.
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Dream #1701
I graduated from college with a degree in Anthropology and French, minoring in Art History. Before establishing myself career-wise, I volunteered for the Peace Corps in the francophone nations of Africa. I then moved to Chicago in order to take advantage of a job offer with a well-established gallery. The gallery was kind enough to contribute to my graduate school education in Art History. Having established myself as hardworking and invested, I found a job with the Contemporary Art Museum and began to work towards a chief curatorial position. I have since completed a PhD in Art History and have published several articles in scholarly journals on Baroque Art, Art Nouveau, and Contemporary Photography. I have helped build relationships with other organizations similar to the Contemp Museum in France and England, finding myself travelling to Europe often. I am not married, but in a long-term relationship with a man in my field I met while in London. I have maintained a few relationships from college and even one or two from my high school years, surrounding myself with an eclectic collection of friends and family. But most of all, I am happy :)
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Dream #1700
I let the man I love into my life, without restraint, without barrier - I let go of our past and learned to trust, to be trusted, to live and love without guilt.
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Dream #1699
I am so excited to have the Triskele School for students with special needs started and flourish...
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Dream #1698
I met someone who is perfect for me in every way and we fell in love and are happily together for eternity.
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Dream #1697
please come back to me I miss you more than I can say
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Dream #1696
I've traveled the world!
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Dream #1695
After an adequate amount of ~*soul searching*~ and sheer diligence, I am finally sure of what I want to do with the duration of my life! I've breached any barriers set by my previous lack of self-esteem and have found both my Heterosexual Life Mate (in Jay and Silent Bob terminology) and my ~*actual life mate*~.
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Dream #1694
I am a successful artist and can financially support myself, with some money to spare.
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Dream #1693
I am performing and in love.
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Dream #1692
I want the world to be free of the things that separate us, kill us, and bring us down.
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Dream #1691
That I can learn to love myself.
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Dream #1690
I finished high school with higher than a 3.5 GPA and launched straight into my acting career!
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Dream #1689
I live forever through my actions while living
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Dream #1688
I am happily married to my soul mate and we have four children.
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Dream #1687
I am no longer concerned with how others view me
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Dream #1686
I Am a Successful Graduated Art student with a Job and a Bright future
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Dream #1685
I am understood, accepted, loved, and tattooed all over.
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Dream #1684
My dream is to get this nursing job tomorrow! I'm going to kick ass at tomorrow's interview
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Dream #1683
That Dylan would let himself love me like I know he does.
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Dream #1682
I dream that I can grow old with the girl I have fallen in love with..
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Dream #1681
I am in a relationship with my soul mate.
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Dream #1680
My best male friend is finaly my life partner. We are so happy. We dont even loook back at the lost time just to the future
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Dream #1679
My wildest dreams have come true.
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Dream #1678
I am in love and emotionally fulfilled.
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Dream #1677
I went back to a time when he didn't know how I felt, just so I could love him without the fear of losing him.
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Dream #1676
I am in medical school
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Dream #1675
Every time I look at him, I know he feels the way I do. Even though it didn't work, it doesn't hurt to be near. We are friends.
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Dream #1674
To move in with my boyfriend of three years and live happily ever after:)
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Dream #1673
I will stop losing sleep because of losing him.
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Dream #1672
I am ready for a change....
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Dream #1671
My parents are proud of me not embarrassed to tell my story.
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Dream #1670
I am a fashion designer I own my own couture company and working on my own snowboard line. two very different worlds that have become one. it has been a long road but I am not stopping anytime soon. my goal...to make a difference.
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Dream #1669
I teach kindergarten in a small town in Northern California and am the coolest PTA mom EVER. Even more than that, I have achieved the strongest pull in my life, which is to be a mom. I know that on my death bed I could pass happy knowing I was a good mother.
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Dream #1668
I pulled on the root, out came grover. We bedded down for the night.
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Dream #1667
She finally came back. All the tears, the years of loneliness and broken-hearted self loathing, were vindicated with her call. I always knew I could never be happy without her, and now I don't have to stay in limbo for the rest of my life.
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Dream #1666
I have a successful career that makes good money. I am married and my husband has a job that he is good at and loves that pays well. I am living in Tauranga surrounded by happy friends and family in a wonderful home with healthy and happy babies. 2014.
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Dream #1665
I have a dream that one day I will not be black
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Dream #1664
I want to live in the trees and climb around and eat fruit all day.
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Dream #1662
I am traveling the world as a touring musician and changing the lives of people everywhere like music changed mine.
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Dream #1661
I AM at a level of self actualization. I am at an emotional level of peace. I am very understanding of everything. I have acquired a great deal of knowledge to connect the dots of understanding the deeper meanings of existence. I am above the level of confidence. I am in tuned with the world and I have made a difference
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Dream #1660
Me and my friend James shared a tender, yet unforgettable kiss.
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Dream #1659
I dream to wake up one day, look at myself and feel beautiful without needing anyone to tell me I am.
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Dream #1658
I am doing what I love most - spreading love, positivity, awareness and knowledge. I'm meeting sincere, humble talented people that inspire me and encourage me to be a better person. I can be myself around them and they support me. I can always count on them to have my back and I never have to question their loyalty.
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Dream #1657
I gave my kids what they WANTED. Not just the bare minimum of what they NEED.
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Dream #1656
I was lying on my back in the water of a vast river. The water was as smooth and reflective as glass. It was night time and above me I could see millions of stars. I was gazing up at the heavens as if I could see everything in the entire universe. Spiral galaxies, nebulas and stars as far as the eye could see. It was then as if I had left my body and stared down at myself from a birds eye view. I could see my body floating in this gently moving river with the water reflecting everything that was above me.
I then decided to get my body wet so I let myself sink a little. With only my head above the water I gazed down the stream. At the end of seemingly endless waterway that I was traversing I saw a brilliant golden-green glow in the distance. It was like the emerald city from the wizard of oz mixed with the aurora borealis. It was without a doubt the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I then went back to the floating position with my body facing the night sky and stared into great dark beyond.
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I then decided to get my body wet so I let myself sink a little. With only my head above the water I gazed down the stream. At the end of seemingly endless waterway that I was traversing I saw a brilliant golden-green glow in the distance. It was like the emerald city from the wizard of oz mixed with the aurora borealis. It was without a doubt the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I then went back to the floating position with my body facing the night sky and stared into great dark beyond.
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Dream #1654
I have my boyfriend with me. He's the best ever.
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Dream #1653
I graduated my career certification program without failing one class! I then was hired at very good pay at a large hospital, where I created many networking paths and friends. After a few years, I'll pay off my house, sell it, and move to Maine, where I will work in a doctor's office during the day, and walk on the beach or in the snow in the evenings. My son will grow kind, affectionate, and free-thinking.
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Dream #1652
A never ending baggie of weed
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Dream #1651
At the club, my ex tried to surprise me by grinding next to me, at which i punched him in the throat.
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Dream #1650
My dream is to make music that will change peoples lives and their perspective on life, to play music for the masses
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Dream #1649
become a professional snowboarder
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Dream #1648
I am no longer questioning a world that destroys and hurts, a world that lies and beats. I no longer question the love of the man who wants to be with me. I no longer doubt when he tells me I'm beautiful, no longer wonder when he will hurt me. I am confident in the body I have, and brash in showing the world. I am powerful, and I control my life, and no one will ever be able to hurt me again. I now can feel what others feel, and see people as real, and not phantoms who each have the potential to strike out at my body and soul. I no longer live in fear, and I am free to love, and be loved in return. I am no longer a girl, but a woman, with hopes and desires of her own, and I can take control of them. I no longer wish for a Father who doesn't deserve me, but instead love and adore the Father that does. I accept my sister's betrayal, and my brother's anger. I have healed a Mother whose soul was beaten, abused, and raped but remained strong enough to raise four children, and love them all. I have reached out to children who were once like me, and have saved them. I have written a book, and it is shared to thousands, and gives refuge to those who have no where else to hide. I am beautiful, and powerful, and free of pain and suffering and fear. I am a healer, a savior, a sister and daughter, and a lover.
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Dream #1647
My mother is alive and well. Her cancer is gone. My Dad is still healthy and they plan on a brilliant future. I have finished college, and have hope for a new exciting job, where I learn something new every day.
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Dream #1646
I'm in a relationship with a guy who truly loves me, and I love him back.....but what's even better is I love me too...
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Dream #1645
I am wealthy in riches and happiness!
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Dream #1644
I own two cute pugs :)
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Dream #1643
Neither of us are afraid to talk to each other and he loves me still.
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Dream #1642
I have discovered the secrets of hand-free masturbation
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Dream #1641
A while ago, my nest friend told me that he was going through a bout of depression. I was very worried because he had gone away to university and I couldn't be with him because I had a full time job. Even though he was at one of the best places of education in the world, he was still down and it got rapidly worse. He told me he had started self harming. Cutting, burning himself, hitting walls and crying all the time. He couldn't cope and I was sick with worry. After a few months, he finally told his tutor and they referred him to a pyschiatrist. Today was the most horrible day of his life, because he went through hours of talking to strangers who were constantly asking him questions and making him realise how worried people were. I spoke to him on skype tonight after he told his mum and he told me he has decided to drop out of this year and go back next year. I havn't felt a bigger sense of relief in my life. He is now coming back home to the people that love him and can help him on the road to recovary. My dream is for him to be himself again, all I want to do is see him smile.
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Dream #1639
I am a practicing yoga teacher, healer, lover and holistic health care giving and sending love into the universe, helping others improve their well-being for the great good of all life...
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Dream #1638
I've transcend the walls of my mind. I can now bring forth the divinity within myself and all I encounter in this lifetime.
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Dream #1637
I told her I loved her more than I thought I was capable of and she told me she needed me to be complete.
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Dream #1635
Kyle finally got a hold on his job and was able to manage it so he was able to be in a relationship again and give me the attention and love i deserve! He called me and apologized and told me I was the one he wanted to be with and he couldn't last another moment without me.
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Dream #1634
..to LIVE the rest of my life
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Dream #1633
My best friend and I were cuddling on my grandmother's couch and my grandmother came in and cock blocked us...
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Dream #1632
I made it through nursing school, found a great job in San Francisco, and am now living there with the greatest love I have ever been blessed enough to have in my life!
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Dream #1631
I dream of a time where I can feel happy about waking up each morning.
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Dream #1629
I flew, I flew without a metal cage surrounding my body, I flew without restraints, I flew. I flew from from a plane and slowly drifted down, only to get back up and do it again. I flew for it was my dream.
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Dream #1628
My dad didn't beat me!
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Dream #1627
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Dream #1626
to be able to stop giving a shit about what other people say about me and live my own life. to stop taking the abuse and just be happy.
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Dream #1625
I wanted to conquer the world and I did
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Dream #1624
My job hunt had an unexpected and delightful conclusion. Now I am off to make the world a better place, one _____ at a time.
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Dream #1622
That we will get help with our foreclosure on our house I can't bare the thought of my four children being without a home.
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Dream #1621
I nutted in her mouth and she said thank you
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Dream #1620
I am in love and in a lasting wonderful relationship, my health is excellent and I am finally enjoying my life to the fullest.
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Dream #1619
You came crawling back to me, apologizing for everything you did...
...And I had the strength to still kick you to the curb.
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...And I had the strength to still kick you to the curb.
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Dream #1618
I'm going to win him back.
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Dream #1617
Stay healthy and happy ! :) all situations have a silver lining and I am blessed.
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Dream #1616
I'm the last thing he thinks about before he falls asleep.
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Dream #1614
I am more trustful of the human race as a mother
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Dream #1613
I passed university with amazing grades, and my parents were more then proud of me!
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Dream #1612
My science fiction magazine Farther Stars Than These ( www.fartherstars.com ) has become wildly popular and is getting in some awesome submissions! Thank you! I can't stop smiling!
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Dream #1611
I would love to travel the world and find a beautiful intelligent woman to accompany me.
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Dream #1610
To have my boyfriend not scare the shit out of me with random shit he says. :)
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Dream #1609
I gave written and published a book.
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Dream #1608
A world where happiness is abundant and free of capitalism.
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Dream #1607
I'm in love with him. I've told him how I feel and he says he just wants to be friends. there isn't anything wrong with me, I dont understand why he can't love me back.
Dream #1606
You're treating me right.
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Dream #1605
You got things together and You and I finally worked out.
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Dream #1603
I am graduating from Johns Hopkins Medical School, Valedictorian. I descend from the raised stage to my grandmother, with tears in her eyes. Tears of happiness. I hug her, knowing that I have fulfilled both of our dreams.
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Dream #1601
Someone other than family loves me.
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Dream #1599
My ex has finally realized what he has let pass him by.
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Dream #1598
I got a scholarship to become a nuclear engineer!
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Dream #1597
Everyone on this planet is free. Everyone has a right to a home, healthcare and good healthy food. Those who can work do and feel happy and productive. We care for those who cant. Love flows freely Everyone has a place and a purpose in this world.
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Dream #1596
I lost 20 pounds and got down to 110.
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Dream #1595
I am going to have the most beautiful little boy on the planet
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Dream #1594
I love to have sex! and I'm not scared to say it.
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Dream #1593
My best guy friend (who I'm secretly in love with) got me pregnant , when I had the baby it was part dinosaur.
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Dream #1592
I married her and lived happily ever after.
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Dream #1591
I shit my pants and no one noticed :D
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Dream #1590
I am successful in life and everything i want comes to me.
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Dream #1588
I am no longer being stalked by ex-girlfriends and ex-lovers through my websites.
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Dream #1587
I want to graduate on my three-year plan.
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Dream #1586
I could only dream of you. I wish you haven't tainted my memories so.
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Dream #1585
I became content with everything and everyone around me
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Dream #1584
I am living with my boyfriend, we both have jobs we both are happy. We have fled this country and are happy being found lost.
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Dream #1583
Freedom to express myself no matter time or place
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Dream #1582
Married to my best friend, in love, Bedouins- traveling everywhere- loving and learning.
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Dream #1580
My daughter doesn't inherit any of her father's mental traits. She is beautiful and sweet and doesn't suffer from depression of schizophrenia.
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Dream #1579
I dream that someday I will be able to poop like normal people
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Dream #1578
I am a very successful happy doctor, that has found love and even though I am not married (nor do I want to get married) I am happy with the way my relationship is.
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Dream #1577
I am so happy with the success of my business and the success of those working for me!! This has allowed my fiance and I to travel the world and finally make a valuable contribution to those less fortunate! I am so exctied and thankful for every day I have!
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Dream #1576
I make a living writing songs and performing them.
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Dream #1575
I want to celebrate my 21st b-day with a trip to the casino, lots o' booze,a beautiful girl, and a fat dank blunt...... hopefully everything goes as planned!
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Dream #1574
I want to smoke a Viking and become a weed.
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Dream #1573
I want to change the world and fall in love with a crazy chick.
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Dream #1572
My house is comfortable. Not large, but filled with laughter and homemade pies my loving husband can't wait to devour. My kids are perfect to me and they know what is important. I am happy. I am well. Life is good.
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Dream #1571
I'm beautiful. I don't need anyone else to tell me that I am. I look in the mirror every morning and the smile on my face isn't forced.
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Dream #1570
I am a pirate.... in space... with a pet dragon named D'Artagnan who is always inebriated. Also I have magical powers and am married to Leonardo DiCaprio (titanic years...he is also a space pirate).
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Dream #1569
We have won the lottery and can take care of our families and our own debts and financial needs forever! We are also able to donate to local animal shelters and start the cat sanctuary I've been dreaming of. We have two more healthy, happy children and live on our farm happily enjoying our wonderful family every day!
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Dream #1568
I want to become extremely intelligent and learn to hold on to my happiness and the will to do good forever.
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Dream #1567
I'm happily married to the girl I love and we're living happily together doing what we love as careers.
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Dream #1566
I am living happily with my boyfriend in a nice secure house with a job I enjoy and like. Just a little place to call our own and begin our lives together :)
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Dream #1564
I am a successful lawyer and the Democratic candidate for President of the United States.
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Dream #1563
I want to pursue every crazy idea I've ever had until it works or blows up in my face.
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Dream #1562
I woke up today and knew what I wanted to do with my life.
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Dream #1561
I want a day without pain.
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Dream #1560
I'm on stage almost every night singing back up for Jamie Cullum and traveling the world.
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Dream #1559
I hope to someday be a jedi super sayen.
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Dream #1558
I was given a wonderful family. I have an amazing boyfriend and beautiful baby boy.
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Dream #1557
I have a wonderful relationship with my children
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Dream #1556
I dream to marry and move to California.
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Dream #1555
I want to see Jesus return, and renew Creation!
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Dream #1554
I fell in love with a beautiful skinny british girl
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Dream #1553
I have changed the world.
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Dream #1552
I am able to be happy for once
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Dream #1550
I want to fall in love.
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Dream #1549
I dream to feel special and be loved like I love.
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Dream #1548
I want to become the powerfull right hand of hugo chavez!
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Dream #1547
I have a girlfriend that is hot as hell
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Dream #1546
I just want him to love me as much as I love him.
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Dream #1545
I'm a successful Graphic Designer who is unafraid to share my designs with the world and take the steps necessary to do so!
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Dream #1544
I am a successful actress on Broadway, and love my life more than ever.
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Dream #1543
my publishing deal has afforded me and my family the lifestyle that I have always envisioned. I write at night on my IMac and during the day I take my Macbook Air out and write - I get a workout in my GYM "Formula 1 fit club" and then I go picture hunting with my Nikon and Leica - I unwind with my MacBook Pro at my Coffee Shop "West End Mug".
Been getting new ink and when my new piece gets finished - I'll take the Jeep for a rugged spin.
The Movie is finalized and that should keep me busy for the next year. I hope that the TV series (Season one) wraps without a hitch.
I'm blessed, I'm rich and healthy!
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Been getting new ink and when my new piece gets finished - I'll take the Jeep for a rugged spin.
The Movie is finalized and that should keep me busy for the next year. I hope that the TV series (Season one) wraps without a hitch.
I'm blessed, I'm rich and healthy!
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Dream #1542
I live in a world where there are universal and rational freedom. There are no rules, laws, nor authority; there are no frontiers, barriers or limitations; where racism and discriminations are shadows of the past.
A world of universal fraternity where the hearts of men are only ruled by one law: Do to others what you wish is done to you.
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A world of universal fraternity where the hearts of men are only ruled by one law: Do to others what you wish is done to you.
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Dream #1541
I am so fulfilled by my new job. I've helped so many people already, and now I get to make helping people my LIVING, and it's a HELL of a living! Now I can focus on starting a family and being the best husband and father I possibly can. And I can finally shed the last of what little stressing I do about money.
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Dream #1540
I am happy, determined, thoughtful, loving, confident and care-free.
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Dream #1539
I know I changed one kid's life through conscious rap like conscious rap changed mine.
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Dream #1538
To understand what's happening, every thing...
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Dream #1537
I am in Boston working at a great job that I really like. I am making 20% more than I make now. I have completed updates to the apartment and it looks awesome. I am saving lots of money. I'm happy
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Dream #1536
I am worthy and deserving of unconditional love, and share it with everyone around me.
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Dream #1535
I want to be happy in my current relationship, and have it last forever. I hope he is the one.
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Dream #1534
I am covered from throat to feet in perfect, beautiful tattoos.
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Dream #1533
I was just sitting there. I was weird and shy. I was fooling everyone into thinking I was already happy. Then she just walked up to me and asked, "whats wrong?" I pushed her away and told her I was "fine." She saw through me. Through my emotional walls, through the facade. She also saw through to who I was. My potential, my talent, my ability to love. She refused to let me go. She told me everything I needed to know and gave me everything I needed. We are soul mates.
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Dream #1531
I am healthy and happy and live my life free from addictions
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Dream #1530
I am magnetic to everyone who comes in contact with me!! My eyes are the deepest blue! I have the body of a greek god..I have a full head of hair..I have never ever gotten in trouble with the law and never will! I am going to live until I am 110 years old!
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Dream #1529
I am living happily ever after with the love of my life. We met several years back and I followed my heart to be here with him. He is a great man- he's my everything and I'm only complete with him. He needs me just as much as I need him, but we maintain our separate friendships to keep our love alive and healthy. He is a successful businessman and I'm a dentist working part-time. We have a daughter and he loves being a father... He's a natural. She is healthy and intelligent. She has his eyes and lips and my smile and nose. He is proud of the flaxen tresses that she gets from me and that she has his beautiful blue-green eyes. She has my reserved nature and his passion for life and her sense of humor is the combination of ours, pint-sized. She is beautiful and kind and strong. She's daddy's girl, just like her momma. We are a close family and our house is a home overflowing with love, respect, and growth. We are spiritually and financially wealthy and we give back as much we receive, if not more. And I am the most fortunate woman in the world to be able to fall asleep in his arms and wake up to his lips on my forehead and he is grateful to have a good woman to love him and let him love her.
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Dream #1528
My dreams for my future to take place during consciousness.
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Dream #1527
I pursued ALL my passions and indulged my curiosities because I deserve to have an outlet for my pent-up stress.
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Dream #1526
I aspire to be a unicorn.
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Dream #1525
I work at a college as a janitor even though I feel like I am smarter than most of the people that go to school there. Sometimes I see an equation written on a blackboard - like half an equation and I'll just figure it out....anyway my best friend is Ben Affleck....
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Dream #1524
Looking forward in happiness and leaving behind the bad times.
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Dream #1523
I change the world. I don't want to be famous and iconic, but a person who is so motivated who lives up to his dreams and the dreams of others. I love every aspect of my life, not because it is perfect but because I can see how beautiful it is at any given point. I want to go through hard times not to feel bad for myself but to earn the happiness that I deserve. I live for others, not just myself. I make my parents and family proud. I may not always live up to others' standards, but I recognize when I do wrong and find it in my heart to fix it to the best of my ability. I strive for excellence but endure failure. I fear making mistakes but don't regret them when I do. I see life as a gift and an opportunity, not as a right. I love my girlfriend and remain faithful to her under any circumstances. I serve a purpose, and do something for the world that makes it a better place...but I don't expect recognition. I influence anonymously but speak my mind with great influence. I change the world.
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Dream #1522
I Love my new ranch home . The landscape is green ... My horses are always well taken care of..My new foals are will be here soon. I go riding everyday with my family in the the hills by my ranch .. My children are so happy here ..I love to work in the new barn. We all chip in and help..The house is large with a pool. The view is beautiful. I thank God for all I have!
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Dream #1521
I nutted inside of her and she didn't get pregnant!
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Dream #1520
I dream that Rem would come back and save me from this dull place.
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Dream #1519
My dream is to be able to afford anything that i want needed desired live without any bs or drama. Be able to give and help people in need.
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Dream #1518
I came back home to the love of my life, she loves me after everything that we have been through and she marries me and go to my next bass and she is happy, she finds people that learnt to love and care about her. she is not afraid of what was unsure to her in the beginning and she has found that all of her love is right here with me. where ever we go we will be happy and we will change the hearts of the people around us because they see the love that we have for each other. we will live long healthy lives an have many kids that we will love and they will see what two people that love and care about each other can do with their lives if they have just a little bit of hope and faith in what they believe will truly make them happy in the long run. This may just be a dream but this will soon be my reality because if you put your heart and mind into anything and do not falter under stress or unforeseen circumstances you will reach your hopes and dreams.
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Dream #1517
I have a job that allows me to read at least an hour a day. I am without wanting. I have the affection of a sophisticated young woman who doesn't drive me crazy. And every year I travel someplace far away.
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Dream #1516
I spend my weekends out with friends and going on spur of the moment road trips that lead us driving through the night to get to the ocean. My confidence is exuded in the way I dress and act, even with people I've only just met. I show that I care for myself in the way I eat and exercise. I have a man in my life who understands me and I don't feel embarrassed by the things I've tried so desperately to hide from others. Life isn't perfect and I know it, but in this dream I've learned to fall in love with imperfection and to embrace change.
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Dream #1515
I won enough millions of dollars to leave my wife and find peace in my solitude.
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Dream #1512
I want to love and be loved. I want to know where I'm going with my life. I want everyone I love who is sick to become well again
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Dream #1511
Her and I live together now. Her parents are supportive, and our pokemon get along great together. She is my other half. We could not be happier. Both of us are out of our depressions and no longer suffer from being bipolar. It's a wonderful life.
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Dream #1510
I want to be an opera singer. I'm 21 and wish to be a contralto. My voice hasn't matured yet and I hope it does soon. In reality I'll probably end up being a Mezzo-Soprano, but I don't care about that right now. I want to preform Opera for the rest of my life. I'm so close!!! It's so exciting!
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Dream #1509
I AM going to win an Academy Award for Best Male Actor
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Dream #1508
I have a dream to travel all around the world someday with my whole family by my side.
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Dream #1507
I have made all my decisions and they have turned out better than I could have hoped for. I have finally moved past the place where I have been stuck for a while and am on my way to feeling even happier and free and completely unapologetic about being me.
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Dream #1506
I am a best selling author living in no, not a big fancy house but a small, log house, in the mountains of colorado. Life is simple, life is good.
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Dream #1505
My dream is to know happiness and help others to know it as well!
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Dream #1504
I dream of being the best fucking photographer of all!! hell fuckn yeah!
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Dream #1503
I have made a difference in this lifetime and in this world.
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Dream Archive
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Nov 07
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- Dream #1604
Nov 07