
Dream #1656

I was lying on my back in the water of a vast river. The water was as smooth and reflective as glass. It was night time and above me I could see millions of stars. I was gazing up at the heavens as if I could see everything in the entire universe. Spiral galaxies, nebulas and stars as far as the eye could see. It was then as if I had left my body and stared down at myself from a birds eye view. I could see my body floating in this gently moving river with the water reflecting everything that was above me.

I then decided to get my body wet so I let myself sink a little. With only my head above the water I gazed down the stream. At the end of seemingly endless waterway that I was traversing I saw a brilliant golden-green glow in the distance. It was like the emerald city from the wizard of oz mixed with the aurora borealis. It was without a doubt the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life. I then went back to the floating position with my body facing the night sky and stared into great dark beyond.

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