
Dream #1701

I graduated from college with a degree in Anthropology and French, minoring in Art History. Before establishing myself career-wise, I volunteered for the Peace Corps in the francophone nations of Africa. I then moved to Chicago in order to take advantage of a job offer with a well-established gallery. The gallery was kind enough to contribute to my graduate school education in Art History. Having established myself as hardworking and invested, I found a job with the Contemporary Art Museum and began to work towards a chief curatorial position. I have since completed a PhD in Art History and have published several articles in scholarly journals on Baroque Art, Art Nouveau, and Contemporary Photography. I have helped build relationships with other organizations similar to the Contemp Museum in France and England, finding myself travelling to Europe often. I am not married, but in a long-term relationship with a man in my field I met while in London. I have maintained a few relationships from college and even one or two from my high school years, surrounding myself with an eclectic collection of friends and family. But most of all, I am happy :)

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