
Dream #129

I am protected by a shield of positive energy that keeps me, my sweetheart, my family and all my relationships safe. I am immune to the intent others may put into harming me, my sweetheart, my family and my relationships. The power that others wield against me only makes me stronger.

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Dream #128

I am with the band.

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Dream #127

She apologized for leaving me, and at last, we were one again. I shouldn't have ever woken up from that dream.

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Dream #126

I have married a man who loves me and God. We live in New York City where I plan weddings for people and take pictures of every beautiful thing I see.

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Dream #125

I live without fear and embrace each day to the fullest. I until I am exhausted and smile until I hurt.

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Dream #124

I had been writing in my blog every day for nearly three years and now it has gotten funding to become a television show. All my hard work has paid off and I am finally able to share my comedy with the world. 

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Dream #123

I am feeling the true warmth of selfless love again.

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Dream #122

Everyone in the world is bored with suffering and falling in love with appreciating. We are all filled with love, acceptance, and gratitude, transforming the world simply because the focus is now on the positive.

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Dream #121

My fear has perished
My love is abundant
My conscience is clear
My life is full of wonder
My soul has a partner
My heart is expressed
My life has value.

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Dream #120

I am connected with the universe, I feel a deeper connection to life and I am part of something bigger than myself. My existence is changing the flow of life for everyone for the better, I'm never alone and I am forever at peace. I have all that I need and all I want is to share my experience and be deeply connected with a soul like mine.

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Dream #119

I am enjoying life!

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Dream #118

I've finally fallen out of love with the man behind my 7 suicide attempts.

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Dream #117

I'm with the most beautiful girl. She had a boyfriend when I first started talking to her but she ended up leaving him for me and things have been amazing for both of us since. We have sex almost every day.

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Dream #116

I am in an amazing relationship with the guy I've been in love with for more than two years. Everything is going great and we are happy. Life is good.

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Dream #115

I am healthy, my mind is calm and my breath is steady.

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