
Dream #470

I am a healthy, strong, beautiful woman. I am a highly creative artist and I make a fine living from my creations. I am abundant in every way & it makes me so happy to be able to share my abundance with my family, friends, & with the world. My husband and I have a beautiful home we designed ourselves & had built that is just the right size for us on our own land. Our marriage is always growing & becoming more loving. Our life together is happy, balanced & peaceful. I am comfortable with me, I accept myself as I am, I love myself no matter what & I am so thankful for all the wonders of the universe!

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Dream #469

I am happy and cannot help but smile incessantly.

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Dream #468

I am thankful that my children are all healthy, happy and whole. My youngest has awakened from his stupor and sees that life is good and pure and not evil. He doesn't even remember what bad is like. I smile because my other children have accomplished their goals and have found the loves of their lives. I am traveling with my true love and we are spreading truth, light and love wherever we go. Our love for each other spills out to everyone around us. Our house is paid for and we are free.

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Dream #467

I wake when it's time and sleep when I'm tired. Time has no meaning for me. My life is fluid, I am river. I am content.

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Dream #466

I am a pacifist, after years of living a violent life. I have managed to isolate myself completely from the world of violence I left behind. I have no friends, no enemies, no family, no lovers. When I die, it will be as a sweet murmur, a quiet passing from the world that will leave no splashes of pain or sorrow. I will be forgotten, as I should be. I am happy in the knowledge that nothing I do will cause anyone I love pain anymore.

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Dream #465

I am well traveled and fluent in several languages. I am sun kissed, in good shape and driven by happiness and not success! I wake up every morning with goosebumps in anticipation of the day ahead of me!

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