
Dream #1518

I came back home to the love of my life, she loves me after everything that we have been through and she marries me and go to my next bass and she is happy, she finds people that learnt to love and care about her. she is not afraid of what was unsure to her in the beginning and she has found that all of her love is right here with me. where ever we go we will be happy and we will change the hearts of the people around us because they see the love that we have for each other. we will live long healthy lives an have many kids that we will love and they will see what two people that love and care about each other can do with their lives if they have just a little bit of hope and faith in what they believe will truly make them happy in the long run. This may just be a dream but this will soon be my reality because if you put your heart and mind into anything and do not falter under stress or unforeseen circumstances you will reach your hopes and dreams.

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