
Dream #1311

my dream is to have 2 beautiful children, who have perfect lives, but dont turn out spoilt and ungrateful<3 and so have an amazing husband whos always there for me.

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Dream #1310

I will change the planet for the better

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Dream #1309

TO love someone like I love myself. Vice-versa

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Dream #1308


WHEN ALL WAR ENDED, WE WERE ALLOWED TO JOIN AN INTERPLANETARY COLLECTIVE where all the Universes Accumulated knowledge was shared with us.

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Dream #1307

Being dominated anally by a petite girl.

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Dream #1306

The Water Closet Spell has worked and he has decided, for his own reasons, that he will move out. We are now amicably working things out & moving on with our lives and we're both very happy for it.

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Dream #1305

I want to be the man I want to become

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Dream #1304

To marry the love of my life and have the beautiful, bouncy, blue-eyed baby we lay in bed at night talking about and dreaming about.

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Dream #1303

I dream that I'll do something meaningful and worthwhile. I want to be successful. I want true love. I think it's really with me right now but I'm just being a naive idiot and messing it up. I dream of him. I want him BAD - I can be myself with him, 100%. I don't feel the least bit judged and when I lie with him, I melt. I dream of knowing everything I can about the world on a subatomic quantum level and I want to see far back into the cosmos.I also dream that my relationship with my family tightens. I love you all.

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Dream #1302

I'm with you right now and we're laughing about something really silly.

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Dream #1301

I'm a doctor. And yes, there are "doctors named Megan", Steve Martin.

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Dream #1300

I am happy with who I am and comfortable around more people. I am starting on my lacrosse team and talking to the boy I like.

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Dream #1299

I have done the best I could to make this world a better place and I feel so good about it!

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Dream #1298

My dream is for my sons father to be in his life.

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Dream #1297

To be the greatest, simply the greatest. To make significant and history altering contributions to the World and Humankind such that my name carries the weight of revered giants such as Einstein and Edison. To bridge the gap between mainstream and science, to serve as the Carl Sagan and Neil de Grasse Tyson of my times. To reach the rarefied status that hovers between simple man and awe-inspiring demigod.

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Dream #1296

lose my virginity

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Dream #1295

Make intercourse with women. Acquire currency.

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Dream #1294

to define my own happiness without the influence of others

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Dream #1293

A great job, a great guy who i love, a great place to live, and a happy life.

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Dream #1292

To not care what time or what day it is. Just to live my life without knowing.

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Dream #1291

To be able to drive and eat mountains of cheese at the same time!

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Dream #1290

My mom survived breast cancer.

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Dream #1289

I am happy all the time and know that I matter.

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Dream #1288

My fiance and I are financially healthy and abundant enough to not need help from our parents anymore EVER! Yay!

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Dream #1287

more people are willing to admit they like My Little Pony

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Dream #1286

Start, witness, and live a Revolution in my lifetime.

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Dream #1285

I can't believe I've finally fallen in love. After years of being alone and shy, I've found someone who makes me so happy. We are there for each other, and we love to laugh. I can open up to him, like I've never been able to anyone before.

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Dream #1284

Engaged and married!

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Dream #1283

He walked in through the door
Alive and Well
not a scratch on him
wearing his cowboy boots, black scarf
holding the coffee mug
he said hello
and called us to "Atten..TION!"
and thats when I started to cry

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Dream #1282

He chose me over her, and I've never been happier.

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