
Dream #102

I am a better person.

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Dream #101

I am an old lady without Alzheimers, hanging with my children and grandchildren! We are sitting in my room, visiting and laughing!!!

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Dream #100

My art is the pillar of gold upon which I ascend into light and bliss. My mind is the tool by which I carve the elegant cities of my artistic domain, tantalizing millions day after day, grinning with the happiness I bring and, in turn, am granted. My creativity grows and grows, and while I plow the fields of my passions, gold sprouts from the ground all around me. My entire life is a garden of wonder.

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Dream #99

I am a leader. I am someone people can look up to and rely on. When I speak, people listen and value what I have to say. I am acknowledged for the positive things I do, because I put my heart and soul in most everything I do.

The struggle I have gone though and yet to come will help and inspire those around me. I am a happy, strong, capable person..

I have a career where I can be creative. Photography, drawing, graphics, video, audio editing, design, production, consulting - You name it. I am able to express myself and put it to practical use.

I have never given up on my dreams.

I have met them and gone beyond.

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Dream #98

I have a 450 acre ranch/resort property in Arizona that is home to rescued animals of all kinds, and children who need love and healing. We have our own vet staff on site as well as counselors, teachers and many other people who do everything from taking care of the animals to being a lifeguard at the pool. We have swimming, tennis, fishing, hiking, biking, horseback riding, yoga/meditation, dancing, karaoke, and many other activities for the visitors of the Peace Ranch. It is truly a place of healing and love. 

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Dream #97

I have my own clothing company in which I express my creativity through my clothing designs. I help others recognize their potential and the riches inside them as well, and help make their dreams come true. I am at a point in my life where I can donate 99% of my earnings to various persons in need and still be fully abundant. I am love , I give love, I love....all is well. All is always well.

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Dream #96

I will find myself, find my dream career, and fall in love. Together we will explore the world.

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Dream #95

I live to entertain people, I want to spread happiness, love, and joy through my words and Ideas.

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Dream #94

I will travel the world, live abroad and discover the world for myself.

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Dream #93

I will fall absolutely in love with myself and others will follow.

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Dream #92

I'm finally in a happy relationship with a wonderful guy. We love each other so much. I've cured myself. I am on the way to do something big. He is my support and my friend. The black mornings are replaced with the light and success. Beautiful things are happening. I've escaped from the poisoned circle I've been in for too long. He is my angel and I am completely his. I live.

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Dream #91

I have an exercise bike that is awesome and comfortable to use for extended periods of time. It makes me happy and I feel lots better because of it.

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Dream #90

мечта ..
пусть будет в доме моем дружеская теплая атмосфера, покой и мир, любовь и ласка..
и все - здоровы..
больше ничего от мироздания не жду.

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Dream #89

Since I know Manifestation as something that by my force of WILL tempered with Imagination, I dare to believe it will come into being, my dream is that my daughter walks again un-aided, and is happy, healthy and never knows mind-numbing pain again.

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Dream #88

I am a hero. I know that someone is alive because of something I did.

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Dream #87

I wake up healthy and happy every day of my life. My wife and I make sweet, passionate, mindblowing love on a regular basis and the lusty-love we share never lessens or stops. It's fabulous. Even when we're a couple of old farts, we'll still be this youthful, optimistic and awesome.

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Dream #86

I was the guy who shot Justin Bieber in an episode of the show CSI. I had to follow him and stuff but all the cars were driven with a RC controller and every time someone gave me one it was burning.

Maybe you don't believe me, but this was a real, serious, wonderful dream I had.

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Dream #85

I own a walk-in bird cage.

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Dream #84

My wife is healthy and happy.

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Dream #83

I married my best friend.

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Dream #82

I have moved out of debt and out of a bad marriage. I am now financially secure and free to wander the earth of my own accord. I am now spiritually mature enough to do so with respect and responsibility, free from selfish desires seeking only to be of assistance to others and to experience life as the beautiful experience that it is.

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Dream #81

I just told the guy I like a lot that I lied when I said I was not a virgin.

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Dream #80

I am not a slave
I am not your responsibility
I am not your project
I am not what you want me to be
I am what I choose to be
I am what I feel is right
I am not bound to your definition of right and wrong
I am not bound by your judgments
I do not need your help
I do not need your god
I do not need your pity
I do not need your contempt

I am who I am
you cannot hinder me
you can call me what you will
I do not need your approval

I need one person
One person to keep me sane
One person to remind me that I can feel something

Now that I have that one person
There's only one more thing I want

Its not your money I'm after
I just want change

People to wake up
Take to the streets
And demand their lives back

But why do you care?
I'm just some punk kid

17 years old
Old clothes
Bruises from a concert

You look at me
You judge me by sight
You turn around
Walk away

Yeah, I'm different
But look at yourself
Are you alive?
or just living?

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Dream #79

Today, for the first time, I loved myself truly. I am finally alive!

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Dream #78

I am a successful Anchorwoman and I love my job!

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Dream #77

I've regained my youthful figure and energy. I am strong!

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Dream #76

I have seen a time when there is no religion, and everyone lives in peace and mutual love, without persecution or the need to feel ashamed for who we are- and the knowledge that morals come from within us, not some external bogeyman.

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Dream #75

Every day I come home to someone who I will love for the rest of my life.

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Dream #74

I have complete and total emotional, logical, and fiscal control of my life. Also less suffering in the world by both human and animal. It is so clutch!

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Dream #73

I will not work for a shitty cafe the rest of my life. I will do something that will make me happy

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Dream #72

I have my own home with my family and have gotten m2f GRS and life is wonderful.

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Dream #71

I am a really social guy, who has a lot of fun friends and a numerous amount of beautiful girls to sleep with. Everything always works out perfect for me, and I never have reasons to be angry or upset. My life is truly perfect!

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Dream #70


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Dream #69

I married Ann M Schmidt!

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Dream #68

I have seen world peace become more than just a dream.

I have seen world peace become a reality.

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Dream #67

I made enough money off of my art in 2011 to live comfortably, put aside a substantial sum of money for my future wedding and my little sister's education. I made more money than I ever thought I was truly capable of making, and I used several million of it to build and bolster programs designed to help the United States recover and become an industry powerhouse full of creative, driven, self-employed people once again.

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Dream #66

I used my knowledge of business to raise five million dollars for local charities in 2011.

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Dream #65

I am free

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Dream #64

I am a multi-billionaire.

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Dream #63

I am happy with who I am, I won't change for anyone because it's not worth it.

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Dream #62

I Love others.
I Help others.
I Serve others.
I am a hero,
(but humble enough to not speak about it.)
I love my God
(and serve my God before anyone else.)
I am a good person.
I am a woman.

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Dream #61

I got to meet Lorraine Kelly! :)

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Dream #60

I dreamt for so long to be a boy. All I ever was was a boy in a girls body and a girls world. Now I have enough money to make this dream come true!!!

Thank you world! God! And Jesus!!

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Dream #59

I have found a woman that loves me and makes all my friends jealous.

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Dream #58

I am a Billionaire!

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Dream #57

To be liked, by anyone.

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Dream #56

I dreamt that you and I were on a train through India. You got frustrated with my indecision and left me to myself. When I found you, you were taking coke with another man, and the sexuality in his car was thick as fog. We got off the train and pushed through the busy market filled with vendors, you pursuing me past the bicycles and spices. The market ended in train tracks, and a vendor with a bird in a cage. I was struck dumb by the bird. I saw myself in the bird in the cage. He was tapping out his own rhythm in the heart of the busy market. He seemed happy in his cage, tapping out a rhythm. You arrived to see me staring at the bird. You understood everything, rolled your eyes, and tipped the vendor. We got on the train.

That's our love. I'm just trying to tap out my own rhythm, and you are the cage.

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Dream #55

I am a rich and famous artist. I am married to my husband, and we make love in our incredible house which was featured in Architectural Digest last week. i don't have to work. Instead, I follow my passion for art, becoming involved in all kinds of fun projects with friends- whether painting, music, theatre, film, or creating new forms of media. Now that I have time, I have rekindled my love for acting, and regularly appear in interesting movies that my friends and I create. My entire family, including my in-laws, are all taken care of, and nobody has to work. My dad lives on a beautiful farm with shiny new tractors and lots of helpers. My mom is happy and carefree and has lots of beautiful clothes and lives in a beautiful modern house. My older brother has time to spend with his family, and to farm with my dad. My younger brother has time and money to go on lots of adventures all the time, such as skydiving in Australia, or surfing the Great Barrier Reef. He is always on National Geographic. My husband has the time and freedom to explore whatever he wants, and we go traveling to all kinds of exciting places, to stay in the nicest resorts and eat at incredible restaurants. Our money is endless. We all have lots of time to spend with each other, and our lives are carefree and fun!!

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Dream #54

Staring at the mist
on the edge of my understanding
8935 had passed
patiently like the movement of the universe
since its was born

Your star had glow
always in my thoughts
like the seed in the ground
waiting to born in the right time

Always thought
never forgiven
My circle of love
must been completed
by the light in your eyes

I hanged my soul
in your thin wires
as strong as your life
as beauty as the gift you gave me
when you got closer to my heart
in this complicated network

I tried to boomed my wires
that were always part of you
I tried to tell you that i always loved you
I tried to embraced you with all my universe
for you to see
that years were not enough
That I have had to be with you again

To let you feel
that I had never left you
but I was planning what I didn't gave you

So you could always remember my smile
my honest embrace
that at some point
I misunderstood

With my jokes and foolishness
to make you laughter
to make you happy
to make you feel alive

to see your man
and feel my female

forever my love
for the pleasure of existence
took by your hand
my sunshine

para siempre amor
Por el puro placer de haber existido
tomado de tu mano, cielo mio.

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Dream #53

I just had sex with a good friend. I have had a crush on him, and he one on me too.

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Dream #52

Last night I had oral sex with an attractive woman, and then saw my friend, who told me I should stop giving him cigarettes because they are bad for him.

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Dream #51

I wake every morning to a cup of coffee with my hubby and the sound of birds outside my little cottage/home by the lake. A few close friends and family, near by, and a few animal friends always under foot. I work from home, our office over looking the backyard and across the lake. Money and time are never an issue. Life is peaceful.

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Dream #50

I have a small coffee shoppe attached to a small bookstore full of used books that people have left notes in and then left at their tables for other to read. 

I spend my early mornings in the shop making scones and brewing coffee and tea; suggesting books to customers, listening to stories...

I spend my nights full of poetry readings, poetry slams, book discussions...and coffee...

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Dream #49

My boyfriend finally realized that there is no other person in the world that would be so perfect for him as I am, and I can feel that he is totally loyal to me. Now he proposed to me, we are getting married in my family's farm and we are building our own business together !!!!!!!

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Dream #48

I am with my true love forever. I have a job where I truly find passion and fulfillment.

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Dream #47


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Dream #46

My boyfriend recently proposed to me at the end of a gorgeous hike. We are moving in together soon and I can't imagine a better person to spend my life with.

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Dream #45

I have married my girlfriend... who is my other half. It is nice sharing everything with another female who understands exactly where I'm coming from.

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Dream #44

I can be myself without everyone around me getting hurt all the time.

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Dream #43

As the seasons warm, our love grows.
As the seasons warm, our bodies grow strong.
Life thunders through our veins.
Together, we are alive.
Together, we grow stronger.
Together, we are unstoppable.

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Dream #42

My health took a turn for the better. I was so excited when my home business took off,that I actually took all my friends out drinking. I met my girlfriend that same afternoon,we're moving in together here in a month!

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Dream #41

I woke up this morning wondering if it would be a good day or bad. having had two good in a row and knowing my soul mate I thought this time. It seems I was correct and thought here we go again. Now I wait and watch the ytbd future as she would say. I bet it is stormy weather. She calls it a dossier, I call it an entry, she calls it good, I call it horrid.

It is strange that an unknown stranger can have that effect on me, yet she does.

Funny thing, she is worth it.

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Dream #38

I have met the man from my dreams. He is teaching me the things I need to know. I am powerful. I am discovering new powers within myself day by day.

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Dream #37


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Dream #36

I am no longer stuck in a rut. I am free, open, and the world is the canvas upon which I dance to my own tune, brilliant and powerful. I am free, and every obstacle I choose to tackle falls easily, yielding up its treasures with the ease of a summer's breeze.

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Dream #35

I have created something beautiful that moves people.

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Dream #34

My bills are paid and I have no debts. I have the money I need to buy a car that gets 20-30 MPG. My credit is awesome and my spouse and I go out to dinner whenever we want.

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Dream #33

Each new change that I make, each new platform that I design and put forth into the ether, each tiny flag and tidbit brings me a flood of eyes and open wallets, purses overflowing with gold and credit cards eager to share their bounty with me. Like the captain of a mighty ship, I sail a sea of endless cash, never wanting, always having.

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Dream #32

I have finished writing my thesis in Philosophy, and I have found a nice girl to marry. We get high and have sex with each other every day.

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Dream #31

She is home and has gained the knowledge and control she has been seeking. Her focus, confidence and drive are back to normal. She has realized and is showing her appreciation for my devotion, love and support. We are finally able to launch our business and are able to move into the place that gave us both goosebumps and even a tear of joy and she has been able to get her son back and we spend our days in laughter enjoying each other and continue to inspire one another working hard and playing even harder and our little family became complete with the birth of our beautiful daughter the four of us living it and loving it!!

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Dream #30

For the delight of all Fairies, the Dragons will fill the sky with Sparkling Flaming Fire Works - Teddy Dragon Bear

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Dream #29

Our baby will live. Her little lungs are strong. She is breathing on her own now. She is a miracle, and every day we are grateful for the blessing she has been upon our lives. Thank you.


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Dream #28

My father is getting better. He's getting healthier. He's recovering at an exponential rate that makes the doctors laugh and smile and wonder. My father is strong again, powerful, smiling at his recovered strength. The world opens wide for him and he moves swiftly and confidently among the opportunities, trusty wrench in hand, filling his life with glory and riches again.

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Dream #27

Falling sparkles upon each child creating wonderful dreams. What is your dream tonight? - Teddy Dragon Bear

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Dream #26

I'm sleeping soundly again. I'm happy. Things are easy, and each day I wake up with a smile on my face, totally satisfied, rested, and at peace with the world.

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Dream #25

My wife is always safe. She is protected by a shield of white light and excellent luck that saves her from any attack or misfortune. She can never be harmed and will always be both happy and secure.

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Dream #24

My mother and her love are no longer fighting. The woman who has come between them removes herself from their lives and never troubles their relationship again. Everyone is happy. My mother is happy, my mother's love is happy, and everyone is smiling and laughing all the time like we used to.

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Dream #23

Every day, I sell at least 20 copies of books that I've written and albums that I have released. Every day, hundreds of thousands of people visit my websites, with more than 1% of them clicking on ads. I make so much money in a month that I don't need to work beyond what I'm already doing in a given week anyway. My art has become my job, and I never worry about not having enough money.

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Dream #22

I lost my right leg at the knee and was rewarded with enough money to stay home with my wife and daughter.

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