
About The Manifestation Wall

The Manifestation Wall exists as a place where you can weave reality with your words. It is a place where you can dream among the global consciousness and reach out to the universe, projecting a reality that you want to see come to pass. It is a place where you can write your dreams as reality, live as if they had already come to pass, and place that reality into the greater fabric of human global consciousness. Take a look around, see some of the dreams that have already been put out there, and feel free to contribute some of your own!

Currently, The Manifestation Wall is maintained by author E.S. Wynn

If you like the site and want to see more, consider buying a book (or a CD) from the store at Thunderune Publishing. Profits from all sales go toward funding The Manifestation Wall and a number of community-oriented sites (including magazines which endeavor to provide fair treatment of emerging authors!) We couldn't do this without your support. :)

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Earl "E.S." Wynn is the author of over fifty books in print. During the last decade, he has worked with hundreds of authors and edited thousands of manuscripts for nearly a dozen different magazines. His stories and articles have been published in dozens of journals, zines and anthologies. He has taught classes in literature, marketing, math, spirituality and guided meditation. Outside of writing, he has worked as a voice-over artist for several different horror and sci-fi podcasts, albums and ebooks.

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