
Dream #1092

I am completely happy with my body...I wouldn't change any part of it, even if I could.

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Dream #1091

I have a new son and the man I was always meant to be with..and all is well.

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Dream #1090

I was accepted to Northwestern with a full ride and the perk and I are very happy.

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Dream #1089

I find happiness in everything in my life. I make a decision about him. He is be the person I met and became best friends with. I get wonderful grades. I'm happy with my body. My family is happy.

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Dream #1088

I'm happy.

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Dream #1087

I want to attend Kungliga Tekniska högskolan.

-Andres Jimenez

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Dream #1086

I am entertaining the world and using my talents for the greater good. I'm everything I always wanted to be and have both confidence and humility. I plan on teaching others the art of theatre and hopefully the key to happiness and family, too.

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Dream #1085

I am reunited with the love of my life, after months being apart. We have moved in together after years of talking about it, and he has recently proposed.

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Dream #1084

I graduated from college this year, I lost 50 lbs, I just got off work, I partied with many friends last night, and this girl just called me about seeing her tonight.

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Dream #1083

My love of music, and composition will someday allow me to follow my dreams, of traveling and making the world my home. I will study cultures, meet people and enjoy life at all levels.

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Dream #1082

I find myself sitting in a world without currencies. I've traveled the world, touched the lives of anyone I could help, and grew into an individual who is the culmination of everyone I met along my journey. We are happy.

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Dream #1081

I saw a guy at his work and thought he was really cute, funny, and sweet. I called a few days later to see if he was single. It turned out that he was and we started texting back and forth. We had our first date soon afterwards. That was a few years ago and now we're happily married and living in Folsom, ca.

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Dream #1080

The rest of my life will be the best of my life.

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Dream #1079

The world became happy.

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Dream #1078

I am finally happy.
I no longer have to worry about my family, because they're happy, and happy for me, and I no longer feel obligated to sacrifice myself for everyone else all the time.
I am living with the love of my life, and truly living my life by his side. I am seeing the parts of the world that I always wanted to see. Even when I'm home, I am living a life so fulfilling that I am honestly satisfied.
I'm incredibly blessed, and I know it.
After all, I am living the life that I thought I could never attain.

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Dream #1077

I dream that soon I find a guy who can make my heart stop and make everything okay. I dream that my family stays happy and together for a long time. I dream that I can make my parents proud, and give them the best life. I dream that I can make a difference in the world, for better.

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Dream #1076

I'm a successful movie director starting a family with my beautiful wife.

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Dream #1075

I am beautiful and healthy and comfortable with myself. I spread light to all around me and make everyone feel better about themselves.

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Dream #1074

I am living in Scotland with a teaching job I enjoy in an all boys school. I own my dream house and am married to my amazing husband who is my soul mate. I have two cats and am thinking of starting a family. Everyone is healthy. Everything is as it should be.

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