
Dream #53

I just had sex with a good friend. I have had a crush on him, and he one on me too.

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Dream #52

Last night I had oral sex with an attractive woman, and then saw my friend, who told me I should stop giving him cigarettes because they are bad for him.

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Dream #51

I wake every morning to a cup of coffee with my hubby and the sound of birds outside my little cottage/home by the lake. A few close friends and family, near by, and a few animal friends always under foot. I work from home, our office over looking the backyard and across the lake. Money and time are never an issue. Life is peaceful.

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Dream #50

I have a small coffee shoppe attached to a small bookstore full of used books that people have left notes in and then left at their tables for other to read. 

I spend my early mornings in the shop making scones and brewing coffee and tea; suggesting books to customers, listening to stories...

I spend my nights full of poetry readings, poetry slams, book discussions...and coffee...

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Dream #49

My boyfriend finally realized that there is no other person in the world that would be so perfect for him as I am, and I can feel that he is totally loyal to me. Now he proposed to me, we are getting married in my family's farm and we are building our own business together !!!!!!!

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Dream #48

I am with my true love forever. I have a job where I truly find passion and fulfillment.

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