
Dream #850

I own a studio in the art district where I sell my art and projects. I have a studio that gives young artists a place for them to express themselves creatively and a gallery to display their works.

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Dream #849

I am a successful, well known and respected architect with several buildings in New York, including a skyscraper over 100 floors high and my own firm, I am living in a house in Manhattan I designed myself and live in with my wife who is pregnant with a baby boy on the way, things couldn't be better.

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Dream #848

I am a cross between a superman and a super saiyan and helping people.

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Dream #847

I won the lottery!

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Dream #846

My husband will get a job by end of the month.

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Dream #845

I have the answers and someone who is my partner in this life who values the closeness of two people. I have grown to accept myself and be comfortable in my skin and have found the childlike acceptance and movement of life. I am a mother who has the time and energy to fulfill both her children's need for closeness and time. I am secure and happy.

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Dream #844

I've finally proven that I can make it on my own!!

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Dream #843

My dad battled through throat cancer with no problems at all, he is now living healthily and happily cancer free :)

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Dream #842

The tongue that licks me is paying me for it ;-)

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Dream #841

I am completely healthy!!

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Dream #840

I got into veterinary school at UGA AND proposed to my girlfriend all in the same month!

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Dream #839

I finally left him and I'm making it work!

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Dream #838

Thank god! Now I can poop in peace.

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Dream #837

I had my first kiss with a celebrity.

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Dream #836

I have grown up happy and I have gotten married.

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Dream #835

My dream is that someday people will just assume that you're a feminist if they can see that you're a human. That one day feminists really will be making something sexist out of nothing like people say and not the other way around. That men can show emotion without being seen as feminine. That personality traits won't be automatically assigned to different sexes. That instead of having to make a women's studies class they would just cover that in history. That people will realise that it's also HERstory. That women won't be objectified. You may say I'm a dreamer, but really I'm a realist. I'm being realistic about society's problems and I'm being realistic about how society should be. Listen to Imagine by John Lennon. It wouldn't be too far away if more people did imagine and try to make that reality.

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Dream #834

I finally found you and it's better than I could ever have imagined!

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Dream #833

i made weed legal and had a 300 acre weed farm but i dont sell it i just smoke all the different breeds

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Dream #832

I am living in my dream house, snuggling in the hot tub with hubby, with no creditors calling, no children bickering, and no worries

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Dream #831

I am convincing local teens to no longer want to commit suicide.

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Dream #830

I have met the love of my life and I've never felt better.

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Dream #829

I am married to my soul mate.

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Dream #828

I've successfully graduated from University and I live a happy life that makes my parents proud.

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Dream #827

My artistic talent has finally been recognized and my work is finding its way into many collections!
The material abundance that comes with this success enables me to live a comfortable life.

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