
Dream #1847

I love my job and I'm good at it, I love my friends and the wonderful guy I am dating. I am very happy.

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Dream #1846

I dream that, despite all the fighting my parents and I go through with each other, they will be there when I get married and know they were the best parents a girl can get.

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Dream #1845

I am not a failure. I am accepted. I live a happy life.

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Dream #1844

My wife and I can at last go to Rome! Life is amazing and only getting better. Each day presents more and more opportunities for happiness!

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Dream #1843

my dream (B) and wish is to be with my (B) boyfriend forever and ever! he is the love of my life, and i couldn't see myself without him! Even with the distance,(M) my love for him grows each day! He is an amazing, good hearted, wonderful, caring, sweet, smart, loyal, sexy, cute, adorable, handsome person!

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Dream #1842

My ad traffic has grown considerably and will continue to grow! I have never seen numbers this awesome before! I've paid off my student loan entirely with advertising revenue! :)

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Dream #1841

I wish that my boyfriend and I could talk A LOT more and last a very long time together, happily.

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