
Dream #1033

Living my life in the flow of universal creativity where it touches all aspects in silent synchronicity and blessings from relationships, career, family, friends and curiosity.

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Dream #1032

I am a performer working successfully as an actor and singer for world renown opera houses and theatres. I refined my skills in San Francisco for a few years after college singing with Chanticleer. In college I was able to financially support myself while studying with Richard Poppino and I was able to get internships with the Santa Fe Opera.

I am able to support The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Shirner's Hospital for Children, and The Boy Scouts of America through recitals and drives.

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Dream #1031

I have recently opened my dream business, a comic book store, and business is BOOMING! My relationship with my incredible boyfriend has finally taken the next step, we finally got engaged! I am no longer worried about living paycheck to paycheck since I finally learned to save money properly, and things are looking up in the world for me :)

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Dream #1030

My goal is to have a simple life. I want a family, with an amazing husband, and some beautiful, healthy, children. I would love a successful career as a nurse. I'd love to pursue my education to the doctorates level. I want to be so in love with my life I can't help but smile, even on my bad days.

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