
Dream #747

I've finally found my soulmate and feel as though I belong somewhere. I am comfortable with my body and don't shy away from sexuality. I am a leader to my friends and am confident that I am capable of fulfilling that role. My family understands and respects my beliefs. I am enrolled and doing well in college. It is not a stress for me. I finally have the motivation to pursue what I want out of my life, and most of all, my friends and family and I are happy. I have a steady, well-paying job and am saving up for my own place in the state of my choice.

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Dream #746

I will spend the rest of my life waking up next to the love of my life, well off and content.

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Dream #745

I WON THE JACKPOT LOTTERY! I am a MILLIONAIRE! I understand and appreciate that I AM a powerful creator! I share my wealth because I remember what it was like before, and now I have MORE THAN ENOUGH. Thank you thank you thank you!

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Dream #744

I'm so happy that we were able to afford to get married and live together! The wedding was amazing, and most of my family and close friends were there for me. I couldn't have wanted anything more than to spend my life living with the one I love; waking up next to him every morning is one of the best things that I'm so grateful for.

-SMM (My last initial has changed)

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Dream #743

I have been dating the most amazing guy for about a month now. He's wonderful! Funny, smart, clever, brilliant and totally adores me. He's totally classic, a blond James Dean. We are so happy together. I'm so happy we found each other :)

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Dream #742

I have the husband of my dreams and we live in a beautiful home.

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Dream #741

We live comfortably and happily by the water with lots of trees. We enjoy wonderful health, and have enough of everything to share with family. My children and their families are equally as happy and healthy, and everyone gets along with lots of LOVE...

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Dream #740

I am employed in San Francisco before August 15, and enjoy what I am doing, the compensation, and the people with whom I work with. The economy picks back up and everybody is happy. I meet a gorgeous girl and am having a great time in the city. I continue to achieve my dreams and defy all doubters while continuing to help the poor and sick.

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Dream #739

My father loves me.

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Dream #738

I am a wealthy writer. Discovered for my talents and contribution of the instinctual written word. As a forming of the soul to hand, I have expressed my destiny in calligraphy's dance of immortality. My family is also wealthy, for I have taken care of them in all of their transitions. No longer does my mother ache for serenity and peace. No longer does she fear my father or his temper and verbal abuse. He is no longer with us but she is free. Free to live and breath in peace. Her family in Italy have come to adore every moment they spend with her. For over twenty years of not seeing her. She is home.

My brothers and sister have all gained access to their deep inner selves and left behind the world of fear of failing. they have opened themselves up to the world and have achieved their goals and dreams. All of their wants have become.

I have found love. The true love of a woman who sees me beyond myself and knows my heart as her own. Never an ill word spoken yet even if we argue, we laugh. My other half. She loves me to no end and show's me without limit. I am safe in her arms. She in mine. She is independent and free but never loses sight that we are each others gifts. A family of two, perhaps even three.

I stumble around sometimes wondering if this is all a dream. But as I type this I realize, it is not. This is my reality. As it is written, so it shall be done.
-Peter B Good

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Dream #737

I own a medical marijuana dispensary and all I do all day everyday is sell marijuana to people who need it and grow the plants myself. I get to meet interesting people everyday and work at a job that I am very passionate about.

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Dream #736

I was able to pass my Nursing Licensure Exam I took this July 2011 with a high percentage of 85%, I was one of the topnotchers. I dream also of being able to serve my countrymen by being a well-rounded nurse. I was also able to give the best life I could give for my family.

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Dream #735

I am comfortable in my own skin and confident that I am just as ordinary as everyone else.

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Dream #734

I am free of my anxiety. I am able to enjoy life as it is right now with no regrets and I am able to be happy without fearing that it means that something will go wrong. I am able to accept my mistakes from the past as what they are, the past. I understand they are just a stepping stone that got me where I am today and beyond that have nothing to do with the person I am now. I am happy.

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Dream #733

I went on a trip to an exciting city and while I was there, a young tan man gave me a fast, brand-new red sports car. I drove around and met some people from high school. While they went to see a movie that I already seen, I decide to take a drive. I turned down a road leaving the city to take a country drive. I love bright sunny days and curvy roads where driving under 35 mile per hour is normal and consider a little too fast.

I am very grateful for those beautiful relaxing calm days and simple country drives.

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Dream #732

I dream to be successful! Not just me but also my family and those around me! God bless us all!

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