
Dream #25

My wife is always safe. She is protected by a shield of white light and excellent luck that saves her from any attack or misfortune. She can never be harmed and will always be both happy and secure.

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Dream #24

My mother and her love are no longer fighting. The woman who has come between them removes herself from their lives and never troubles their relationship again. Everyone is happy. My mother is happy, my mother's love is happy, and everyone is smiling and laughing all the time like we used to.

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Dream #23

Every day, I sell at least 20 copies of books that I've written and albums that I have released. Every day, hundreds of thousands of people visit my websites, with more than 1% of them clicking on ads. I make so much money in a month that I don't need to work beyond what I'm already doing in a given week anyway. My art has become my job, and I never worry about not having enough money.

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