
Dream #464

I am happy, I am loved, loved by you whom I love. I am content and peaceful with the life I have, I am living without stressing over money or bills, we make well enough to live comfortably. I am happy, I am loved.

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Dream #463

I am living in peace and harmony, surrounded by the healthy, supporting presence of people I care about. I have enough money to take the issue of money off the table, and enough good food to eat healthily. As I eat healthily, I become stronger and more awake to the possibilities my body offers. When I am ready, I find a vibrant, spontaneous person with whom I can fall in mutual love.

Oh... and I have a Shenanigans hat all my own. ^_^

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Dream #462

I have graduated college with a BA in painting and am able to do what I love. I have friends that love me, support me, and respect me. I have gained the respect of my mother. I am a person who feels she is deserving of love. I am who I am and love myself for that no matter what anyone else thinks.

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Dream #461

I have travelled to the New World. I have made a life here, a new start, with many new friends while never ever forgetting my friends back home and of course my family. I have a job working outside like a Gardener. It is hard work but it is honest. I will have met a woman who is wonderful, who loves life and we will build a relationship together.

And Liverpool will win the Premier League.

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Dream #460

I am a Junior in high school and my best friend graduated. He came back to visit me, wrapped his arms around me, and in that moment it felt as though I would never lose him again. Please come back to visit.

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Dream #459

I am working at a job I REALLY LOVE. I spend time with my kids doing things that make memories. I am in love with a wonderful man that loves me too. My house is always clean. We have enough of everything and are all very happy!

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Dream #458

I just had a healthy baby and am a wonderful mother. I found a man who will support me and the baby and we are all living happily as a family.

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Dream #457

I have everything I need and more. I am happy, healthy, loved and wealthy. I found the purpose of my life and I know that now I can accomplish everything because I am surrounded by people who love me and support me. Life is Beautiful!

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Dream #456

I Have a best friend to enjoy life with and living on the beach!

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Dream #455

I've just finished university and I did really well. I'm so proud of myself, and I'm excited for the rest of my life to begin. I know exactly where I want to go from now on.

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Dream #454

I am one of the smartest men in the world.

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Dream #453

I am traveling free. I have love in my heart for all walks of life and meet new people all the time. I am stress free most days and don't get hung up on little things. There are many stamps in my passport.

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Dream #452

I am so happy and grateful now that I have released my past so that I can love myself.

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Dream #451

I work as a full-time Senior Network Engineer. My wife is amazing enough to feel like a dream, yet flawed just enough to seem real. I drive a Mercedes Benz. The house I live in is beautiful and just the right size. My kids are no longer influenced by their completely unfit mother and now have a mother that cares. Finally, the chiweenie I rescued from the shelter has quickly revealed to me that I do love dogs.

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