
Dream #2169

David loves me. He decided I was worth fighting for. He tells me he loves me each day. We're getting married next year in Napa. We are both happy and safe and committed to each other.

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Dream #2167

I wake up every morning to a new sight. I take in every sunrise in a different place. I meet new people everyday and share stories with them. My life is on the move.

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Dream #2165

My family is reconciliated, I am independently solvent. My papers are OK. I can travel.

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Dream #2164

He loves me like no other. He decides to stay rather than run. He wants to marry me and invites me to share his life. He can't let me go. I am finally safe.

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Dream #2163

My son is cured of NF2. He had a big tumour which could not be operated on cause it would get bigger. His face in one side was hanging . It was because of the linphatic system did not work. Now He is happy and healthy and he has not the tumour anymore. Thanks to GOD.

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Dream #2162

The Universe is the constant supplier of money for me and I always have enough money to fulfill my needs, thank you universe.

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Dream #2161

I dream of the day I can walk free,
I dream of the day I can be independent,
I dream of the day Immigration sends me my papers.
Thank you

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Dream #2160


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Dream #2159

I became an entrepreneur. After working in a lot of companies and completing my MS in NUS, I have become famous in the field I love. I always wanted to develop mobile applicaitons in a very large scale level. I am giving work to all the helpless people here, in India. I am able to give happiness to all. I am now in a place where everyone is happy. I am rich. I am going to start a company to reduce waste usage. I am feeling happy now. It took me a lot of time, but here I am after achieving a part of my dream, Soon Ill develop my country establish it as a developed nation. I am working on it. I am happy that my parents stayed with me and supported me through my hardships, My friends who have both supported and criticized me. Thank you all

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Dream #2158

I breathe in the crisp air off of Lake Superior with a warm cup of coffee in my hand. I'm preparing for another rich day filled with genuine people who have the same passion for caring for the Earth and teaching sustainable efforts. I learn something new each day. My home is a perfectly designed Earth Ship that serves as an example for others who would like to do the same. My children are happy, secure, and loving individuals who enjoy the lifestyle we have created as a family. Each morning when I wake up, my husband and I share a quite moment of appreciation for the life we have built together. We rely less and less on money and find richness in the arts, nature, and beauty around us. We are truly blessed.

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Dream #2156

"Lord, all discomforts of my body, mind and emotions, I created them, not you. They bother me, but they should not distract me from you. Control my monkey mind. Give me the ability to love you every second and praise your glory. That is my priority. I live for you, not for me."

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Dream #2155

Eu quero me tornar uma artista algum dia. Também quero conhecer alguém bacana, casar e ter filhos.

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Dream #2154

When I wake up next to my beautiful wife I look at her and smile and say a quiet 'thank you' for bringing me the only person who has truly understood me. Our daughters are a blessing and a wonderful mixture of the two of us - East meets West alive in three little bodies. The days always start pretty much the same way with a relaxed family breakfast which gives everyone time in the spotlight but also time to care for and thank each other.

I am grateful for the financial freedom that my years of hard work have produced - I am now reaping the rewards of those efforts and able to give time to myself and my family in equal measure. Days pottering in the villa and grounds drift by in the warm Middle Eastern sunshine. We laugh. We play. We eat. We share. We have a wonderful life.

Life has been good to us and we have returned love and friendship to those around us.

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Dream #2153

I love feeling as if I have plenty of money.
I choose to feel good about money now.
As I feel good about money, money must come.
I welcome financial freedom and ease now.
I give myself permission to be as rich as I want.
I deserve to have plenty of money.
I believe that money is flowing to me now.
I can feel my abundance growing daily.
I trust the universe to grow my abundance.
I just have to let go and allow money to flow.
Attracting money is fun if I relax and allow it.
Financial resources are lining up for me now.
I align with receiving money when I feel good.
I know that financial well-being is my right.
I always have more than enough money.
I am comfortable having large sums of money.
Money always comes to me with perfect timing.
I can feel more money flowing to me easily.
I appreciate money for things it can provide.
I release my fears and doubts about money.

My inner guidance leads me to abundance.
Every day my belief in abundance grows.
I love spending money on things that create joy.
I think positively about money and abundance.
I give myself permission to be fully abundant.
I appreciate examples of abundance in my life.
I am grateful for the ability to manifest money!
I invite more money to come to me daily.
I always choose to focus on abundance.
Money comes to me in fun and surprising ways!
The universe can deliver anything I ask for.

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Dream #2152

My dream is to see my paranormal group grow and become popular in the field. I want to help people with paranormal issues.

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Dream #2151


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Dream #2149

I am a successful librarian and rare books dealer who is also a published author. I help those in need in my community and connect people to knowledge, to their past, to stories, and to their best selves. I am my best self and my disease had been in remission since 2013-2014. I am organized, productive, and fun to be around. I am mentally and physically healthy and enjoy great beer with no problems. I have many employment opportunities and a fulfilling, travel-filled life with my life partner and husband. We spend much time in London, where we lived for several years. We have children after the dust settles from our world adventures and continue to live a vibrant, exciting, and deeply happy life.

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Dream #2148

I AM READY, willing and able to receive outrageous wealth.

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Dream #2147

My son is back with me, my husband and I have a home we've made our own, jobs that we are passionate about. My stomach problems are alleviated, our depression and anxiety are treated successfully,and we are able to have children in the future without fear of health issues. We are both part time students, expanding our minds and reaching our life time goals. And lots of sex.

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Dream #2146

I AM a being of higher consciousness.
I flow with the power of the universe.
I AM love.
I AM peace.
I AM a being of infinite love and light.

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Dream #2143

I found my dream job, and I'm qualified to do it!

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Dream #2141

I HAVE faith in the universe, the universe takes care of ME.

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Dream #2139

Dear Universe:



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Dream #2138

To the universe: I know that all joys and sorrows are temporary. I know that even the sweetest moments in life pass all too soon, and I feel it keenly now. I've learned the lesson without undue hardship. I've learned the value of each happy moment and now I am free and powerful, truly and fully enjoying each joy and sweetness and kindness because I know it is all temporary. I am no longer consumed by grief and pain because I know that they are temporary. I am no longer one to put off love or the opportunities to spend time with those I treasure because I know such times are rare and fleeting. I am responsible for my actions and my decisions and I smile because even the smallest, most fleeting joys are precious and even the most harrowing pains are lessons to be learned from. Thank you for all that you have taught me. To change to this is as powerful a change as having died to be reborn. I am a new man. I see the world in different shades and different shapes now, as if a whole new dimension of being has been opened before me.


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Dream #2137

to the universe: thank you for the abundance in my life, thank you for the opportunities in my life, thank you for more money than i can spend.

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Dream #2136

All things resolve easily and quickly. Things are easy and happy and relaxing now. Everything is good and awesome and happy all the time. Our fun, grand vacation starts soon and lasts for the rest of our long, wonderful lives.

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Dream #2135

I give thanks that millions which are mine by divine right.
Now pour in and pile up under grace in perfect ways.

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Dream #2132

I had forgotten how amazing it was to feel the warmth of skin pressed again my lips again.

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Dream #2130

I want to be able to take care of my family and friends and give them peace of mind

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Dream #2129

I have a full time job, with benefits. Two weeks, paid, vacation a year. The pay is enough to sustain me.

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Dream #2128

I have seen the most amazing things in the universe! I have gone on many exciting adventures, and learned much about myself and everyone else.
My angels have constantly been guiding me and guarding me, manifesting themselves in a physical form to communicate with me. I have helped rebuild the Earth, and teach love and light to all.
Lastly, I am a writer, who chronicles all of these amazing happenings to share them with the world. Married, and forever in the graces of my angels and the higher power out there.

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Dream #2127

I want the love of my life to realize what she has with me and becomes my wife, also with me being able to acheive all my dreams and be sucesful and wealthy and provide for my families family and live long happy lives. 

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Dream #2126

I dream that my boyfriend of three years and I got through this rough patch together, and our relationship is stronger than ever!!

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Dream #2125

I will find my soul mate. and we will be by each others side to the end of days. I will be successful with my business. and have a family to grow.

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Dream #2124

I want a way to give something wondrous to the world (and make a few quid for my trouble)

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Dream #2123

I have completed the nursing program and passed the nclex with flying colors. I have secured employment at a great LTC and can honestly say I love my job! I am independent for the first time and this new found confidence strengthens my self image which in turn leads to a happier and more fulfilling marriage. My new career makes moving to a nicer house in a nicer neighborhood possible. My children are thriving at their new school and we are looking forward to a much deserved 1st family vacation.

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Dream #2122

I am the Graduate Assistant for the tennis team while earning my MBA. I am starting my new career and loving everything about it. I live in an apartment with my dog and I am enjoying life.

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Dream #2121

The feeling of holding the 800 meter world record and being with the woman I truly love is a euphoria that I never believed I could understand. I'm so glad she approached me during spring break of 2013 to ask me if I wanted to hangout or get together some time, even though we barely talked before that.

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Dream #2120

To have another chance with him, to achieve happiness and contentment through the power of two.

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Dream #2119

To finally get another chance with her and to be really really rich.

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Dream #2118

I have become a pop-rock star and have travelled all over the world with my shows!!!

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Dream #2117

We three are emotionally, physically, mentally and financially whole, happy and secure.

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Dream #2116

After the wedding, our love just continues to grow every day. He cherishes me and our life is happy, stable, exciting and fun! The dogs, our families, work- everything is easy and everyone is happy.

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Dream #2115

To connect with my soulmate; to allow great financial abundance; to embark on an exhilarating exciting path of bliss.

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Dream #2113

I am an amazing guitar player and singer!!! I am famous for my amazing songs and great voice!

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Dream #2112

I have grown from my backpacking trip around the world. I am a better mother, friend, lover and human because of the lessons I learned out on the trail. I am grateful to the strangers who became friends on my journey.

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Dream #2111

i was so scared that i would waste my life and when i got into the working world and never see the world and travel. i really wanted travel and see the whole world before its to late. I'm glad i didnt listen to everyone telling me to follow the normal way of life and get to work.

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Dream #2109

I live in a great place, with a great job, with Jed in the flesh by my side. And I am loved.

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Dream #2108

I´ve finally met my soulmate, a person who loves me truly for who I am. He inspires me and supports my ambitions. With him by my side, I feel I can rule the world. I feel like the happiest person in the world when I get a job for an international company, doing what I love and being paid big money for it! I live rich social life, always being surrounded by friends...

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Dream #2107

D suddenly finds it really easy to do math. Math is the easiest thing in the world now for D. It all just makes perfect sense.

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Dream #2106

He has an awesome job and he's happy with it. He's really happy. He's so happy he never stops smiling.

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Dream #2105


Dream #2104

to make love to giovanna parnell,in the year of 2013

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Dream #2103

The house of my dreams is so lovely to live in. It is truly a home. 

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Dream #2102

I want to be wealthy enough to give back to my parents and share to friends and family at ANY point. Also to be wealthy enough to support my lifestyle of spending. In return my job would be to work at a low-income teaching job with children- a job I would love and wouldn't rely on the checks every week. I would already be too wealthy. I would have the perfect husband and at least one adopted child. my DREAM!

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Dream #2101

live on a farm,put my daughter through college,have a good job that i love,make others happy

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Dream #2099

I am over this heartbreak and I hold my head high, no matter what other awful things I hear about his behavior during our 8 yr relationship. I move on, find a true, honest, real, emotionally available man, who cherishes me.

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Dream #2098

I can't wait until I fall in love with the one man who will do anything for me like I will do anything for him.

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Dream #2097

My husband has been sober for 20 years now. We've raised a happy beautifully peaceful child. I trust my husband and feel safe with him and never need to worry about the troubles that once came with our drinking. 

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Dream #2096

The growth of my business is exceeding even my wildest expectations. I have so many newspapers, newscasters, professionals and editors who desperately want to interview me that I'm writing or speaking to at least three of them every day. We finally have the perfect house on a warm beach surrounded by all kinds of happy, healthy fruit trees that keep us well fed all year long. I'm brewing and making wine and preserves on a much larger scale-- enough to be able to freely give them away all over the place and also enough to keep a bunch stocked for myself and my wife. I'm gaming all the time and I'm making so much money that I've been able to hire editors to run most of my company for me, freeing me up to do more writing.

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Dream #2095

Frank is happy and healthy. His illness is gone and he's already forgetting that it was ever a problem. He's renewed with new, powerful, creative vigor and he's succeeding in the literary world. He's even found a cute little Japanese girl who thinks he's the greatest thing since sliced bread. I hear they're moving in together soon! I've never seen him this happy before and I'm glad that this happiness is going to continue for him. He's a good guy and he deserves it.

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Dream #2094

Siri has found a man that treats her right, loves her and makes her so happy she never has a single bad day again. He's perfect for her. He's everything she needs and they click on all the most important levels. They're on the same page with everything they talk about that truly matters. Life is good for Siri!

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Dream #2093

Randy found a job that makes him excited, happy and fulfilled! He's ecstatic! It's easy, fun and a perfect match for him. He no longer has any worries. He and Melissa experience a year of joys and wonderful, happy times. They come over often and the four of us have a blast every time! Soon, we're going to be climbing Table Mountain again!

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Dream #2092

Kia is safe and happy. Wherever she is, things are good. She's smiling and has everything she needs. I find that I'm not worried about her anymore because she's contacted me and told me how awesome her life is now.

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