
Dream #1738

I am always aware of the good in situations and open to the love and beauty of the world. I am receptive and supportive and nothing can knock me down. I give back to the world and am always there for my friends. I have people who care about me and who I care about; I have equal, intimate, positive, helpful, and vulnerable relationships in which I can just be myself. I rarely if ever use my computer and spend most of my time outside, in nature. I am in a happy and healthy supportive family environment and all my friends know it, I have people over, and this environment is one I helped to create. I feel empowered and open, I know I can change the world, set things forward, make progress. I know that even if I help one person I will be doing good. I have clear boundaries that shift in individual situations, I know my limits. I have achieved balance. I have a job, a vision, a drivers license. I have seen the world. I've been to New York. I am in a relationship with someone who truly cares about me and who I care about. I give of myself freely. I have energy to spare. I love to practice the flute and play piano. I love to read. I have finished my first novel, and am looking at publishing it. I know that I bring light and contribute to each situation I've been in. I can say that I've touched someone's life. I am a part of healthy communities and I bring people together. I can speak more than one language. I have great music. I've been in several different plays. I have a great morning routine. Each day brings new positive energy into my life, each day is an opportunity. I am a leader, and a doer. I take action and I am present. People look up to me, and I know what to say and how to bring people together. I am open to new situations and new possibilities. I embrace change. I'm on top of all my schoolwork, hand all my assignments in on time, and do a great job. I have a strong work ethic. I'm filled with hope and with inspiration, I find the good in situations. I am positive and I always give back to the world and work really hard. I love the world, and I am grateful for all that I have. <3

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