
Dream #1968

money in my pocket and money in my hand money in my home and money in my bank
money streams towards me and makes it home with me its easy and its wonderful as counting 1-2-3!

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Dream #1967

Everything is one great big happy.

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Dream #1966

My progress-oriented goals are finally paying off. I'm not afraid of any bills, dues or payments I have to make anymore. They are all easy. I smile when I pay each of them, and I am grateful I no longer have to live in fear. I have everything I need and everything I wish for. Life is amazing!

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Dream #1965

I love my job and enjoy what I do. I have a great circle of friends that I love and they love me. I have a great boyfriend who loves me for me. I LOVE my life.

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Dream #1964

That whatever happens, happens for the best, and everyone involved is ultimately happier forever because of it. No pain. Nothing uncomfortable that isn't transitory.

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Dream #1963

That the desire in my heart, is able to manifest,
and that it exist because it also exists in your heart..you know who you are.
And if it is the will of this great universe, that once threw us together, and separated us..too
that it will, pardon distance, and time, to find us, standing in front of one another with open hearts,minds.

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Dream #1962

I love my job, it gives me the opportunity to do what I enjoy. I have a great boyfriend who loves me for me. I have a great circle of friends who love me and I love them. I have found my happiness and I love my life.

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Dream #1961

I have a wonderful and loving boyfriend who is conscious of my needs. We fit well together and compliment each other.

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Dream #1960

I am so excited- this is my 25th art show since being picked up by top galleries in NYC and Paris and LA. My work is in such demand that my rates are now 5 figures for a sketch. The ;ove of my life is so supportive and is having a blast on the slopes and in the surf. Family is happy- kids, pets and parents of every age. Our kids are so grounded and vibrant! The house overlooking the water in Vancouver looks great after this third reno- it is such a joy to have been mortgage free all these years. Cannot wait for the family vacation in Italy next month, After all, life is beautiful.

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Dream #1959

I am debt free

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Dream #1958

I have become my own person. I live where I always imagined, and make a living doing one of my favorite things in life.

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Dream #1957

To live and be in bliss with everything ineed when i need it or anything i want when i want it

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Dream #1956

In an easy and relaxed manner, in a healthy and positive way, in its own perfect time, for the highest good of all, I intend at least $1,000,000 to come into my life and into the lives of everyone
who holds this intention.

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Dream #1955

I finally finished college after all these years, and can finally study reptiles in the Amazon like I've always dreamed!

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Dream #1954

I want to be a household name.

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Dream #1953

C and I get married. Our babies are beautiful.

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Dream #1952

I got the perfect job and then sold my first screenplay!

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Dream #1951

My Etsy store is doing steady business and I've gotten some really positive reviews from other crafters and accessory mavens.

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Dream #1950

I love my job and the people I work with. I have a wonderful best friend and I'm meeting more great people. I have a great boyfriend who loves me a lot! I love my life. I am super happy.

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Dream #1949

I will be with happy and together with her again

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Dream #1948

I finally did it. I built an automated online business. I am making a full-time income working only 4 hours a week. It took a lot of hard work to get here but I'm so happy now that I have a sustainable passive income.

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Dream #1947

my movie is # 1

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Dream #1946

Finally 1 of my ideas is on the shelves of all the major department stores. My name Peter Malcolm (anyidea) on twitter is registered on my 1st patent. I am recognized as a successful inventor.

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