
Dream #1092

I am completely happy with my body...I wouldn't change any part of it, even if I could.

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Dream #1091

I have a new son and the man I was always meant to be with..and all is well.

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Dream #1090

I was accepted to Northwestern with a full ride and the perk and I are very happy.

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Dream #1089

I find happiness in everything in my life. I make a decision about him. He is be the person I met and became best friends with. I get wonderful grades. I'm happy with my body. My family is happy.

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Dream #1088

I'm happy.

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Dream #1087

I want to attend Kungliga Tekniska högskolan.

-Andres Jimenez

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Dream #1086

I am entertaining the world and using my talents for the greater good. I'm everything I always wanted to be and have both confidence and humility. I plan on teaching others the art of theatre and hopefully the key to happiness and family, too.

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Dream #1085

I am reunited with the love of my life, after months being apart. We have moved in together after years of talking about it, and he has recently proposed.

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Dream #1084

I graduated from college this year, I lost 50 lbs, I just got off work, I partied with many friends last night, and this girl just called me about seeing her tonight.

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Dream #1083

My love of music, and composition will someday allow me to follow my dreams, of traveling and making the world my home. I will study cultures, meet people and enjoy life at all levels.

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Dream #1082

I find myself sitting in a world without currencies. I've traveled the world, touched the lives of anyone I could help, and grew into an individual who is the culmination of everyone I met along my journey. We are happy.

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Dream #1081

I saw a guy at his work and thought he was really cute, funny, and sweet. I called a few days later to see if he was single. It turned out that he was and we started texting back and forth. We had our first date soon afterwards. That was a few years ago and now we're happily married and living in Folsom, ca.

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Dream #1080

The rest of my life will be the best of my life.

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Dream #1079

The world became happy.

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Dream #1078

I am finally happy.
I no longer have to worry about my family, because they're happy, and happy for me, and I no longer feel obligated to sacrifice myself for everyone else all the time.
I am living with the love of my life, and truly living my life by his side. I am seeing the parts of the world that I always wanted to see. Even when I'm home, I am living a life so fulfilling that I am honestly satisfied.
I'm incredibly blessed, and I know it.
After all, I am living the life that I thought I could never attain.

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Dream #1077

I dream that soon I find a guy who can make my heart stop and make everything okay. I dream that my family stays happy and together for a long time. I dream that I can make my parents proud, and give them the best life. I dream that I can make a difference in the world, for better.

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Dream #1076

I'm a successful movie director starting a family with my beautiful wife.

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Dream #1075

I am beautiful and healthy and comfortable with myself. I spread light to all around me and make everyone feel better about themselves.

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Dream #1074

I am living in Scotland with a teaching job I enjoy in an all boys school. I own my dream house and am married to my amazing husband who is my soul mate. I have two cats and am thinking of starting a family. Everyone is healthy. Everything is as it should be.

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Dream #1073

I am living my life with the one I'm supposed to be with. I wasn't sure if it was going to be him or not, but after the passion I felt in his confessional speech I knew that we were supposed to be together. I live in the city of my choice with my best friend. I finally have a job that I am HAPPY with. I thank the Universe every single day that I'm in love, my best friend is still my everything, my sister has the life she's always wanted, my animals are all happy and healthy, I have the home of my dreams in the city that I love, and my parents are healthy and happy. This is everything I've always wanted. I don't struggle every single day anymore. I continue to feel connected to all around me. I've always wanted this to be true. I'm going to marry this man, the love of my life.

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Dream #1072

I have just written and recorded the long awaited duet alongside with my idol Brandon Flowers, I finally live in London by myself and have my bipolar disorder under control! I love living life and have proved to myself that I can actually accomplish whatever I set my mind to! In my mind there is nothing but joy and peace. Finally.

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Dream #1071

I am madly in love with someone I want to be in love with. No more lowering standards, no more random make out sessions, no more putting myself down. He loves me, and I love him for all the perfect and imperfect things.

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Dream #1070

My life is finally in order. I have quit smoking, started taking classes more seriously, been better with money, and silenced the constant rumblings in my head and finally found some semblance of inner peace.

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Dream #1069

I am grateful to be married to the man I love and have such a successful career!

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Dream #1068

A life of purpose that brings peace and happiness to both our human and animals brothers. The dream has been made reality and now phase II begins. The Universe is sending out vibrational advertisements, so there's no need for work to be done on my part....and now, I AM.

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Dream #1067

When I ran the first mile without pain, I felt that I could run forever. there was no more of that weakness left, I had been replaced by a strong man, focused and passionate, injecting enthusiasm into everything that I did. there was no stopping me. out of my weakness, first changed my mind, and then changed my body.

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Dream #1066

My parents have everything that they want.

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Dream #1065

I am a grain of sand; unique in of myself but common in the universe.

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Dream #1064

I have a loving husband and I'm doing my part to give back to the arts.

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Dream #1063

I am loving life with a great boyfriend, good friends a great job. I am the happiest I've ever been. I love my life!

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Dream #1062

I am a passionate, talented artist flowing many beautiful, unique and thought-provoking creation into the Universe. These Creations resonate with and are purchased by many, many appreciative people....

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Dream #1061

I am not surrounded by alcoholics or emotionally unstable people. I am surrounded by loving creative people.

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Dream #1060

Alcoholics are no longer be attracted to us.

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Dream #1059

I have a wonderful job with great people and great pay. I have a loving boyfriend who makes me happy, I have a best friend who I am lucky to have. I am very happy!

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Dream #1058

We sold our flat for a fortune, cleared all our debt, moved into our lovely new flat round the corner from my work. we were able to save lots of money in the coming months and were able to go to Venice on holiday for a belated anniversary trip. Life is truly wonderful now. Thank you x

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Dream #1057

I have saved the world. Humanity has changed for the better. People are more grateful and less wantful. Homeostasis is returned. On a personal note, I have created a community and made them my family. We raise organic food and spend time in the mountains. We cook meals together and build structures which last a thousand years. I've found lasting love and my love is unprotected.

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Dream #1056

I am a successful working actress, having received an MFA from a top drama program where I was able to fine tune my talents and make contacts in the industry. My husband and I are happy, secure and deeply in love. I am on the life path I was meant to travel and I am at home with myself and my surroundings. Everything feels right.

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Dream #1055

I want to become a citizen of the United States, get a motorcycle and travel along the east coast

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Dream #1054

I have a job I love which allows me time to write my best-selling novel. My husband is loving, supporting and wants children. We have a fantastic sex life. I am at peace with my parents and in control of my jealousy, self-esteem, and perfectionism. I am not always grasping for more and am content with what I have because it is enough.

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Dream #1053

I am independent and free. I am surrounded by intricate beauty, I feel whole, I am with people who support and accept me. I have reached a deeper consciousness, and the one I seek I have found. Namaste.

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Dream #1052

I have dreamed of a happy relationship with the person i am deeply in love with. he no longer leaves me alone on dates and goes off with his friends. he no longer just thinks about himself. this is about us and how we both want to be happy and how we need each other. we are love.

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Dream #1051

My dreams are finally free. Not only have they found themselves on paper, but they have been brought to life by a little something called Maya. I am finally able to share my world with yours.

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Dream #1050

I have transcended shame. I have changed lives.

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Dream #1049

The world is happy. Society has learned what love truly means, and how to share it with everyone. Conflict is all but erased in humanity, because all that really matters is happiness. Love and peace are visible everywhere.

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Dream #1048

I have learned to speak eloquently to any number of people, and to know exactly what to say to every person I speak to instantly. I now remember names and faces with no effort. I have found the career path that is perfect for my life and have begun on the path of my life's work, with plenty of time for family life.

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Dream #1047

I am healthy. I am not afraid of passing away and leaving my kids, everyday. My Health issues are taken care of or at least kept under control enough to help me lead a normal, and long life. Overall. I want to be happy.

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Dream #1046

Sam and I got married, it was the best day of my life. Now we are sitting together in front of one of God's greatest gifts, the sunset. The pale reds and purples painted in the sky hold no brilliance in comparison with the beauty of my love. As we sit here together in this perfect moment I thank God for my Samantha and the sunset.

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Dream #1045

I have never stopped accessing my inner child. I will never be complacent and I will always search for excitement, keeping my friends, family, and lovers along for the ride!

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Dream #1044

I am confident happy and beautiful with amazing friends and a life full of adventure and security

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Dream #1043

I was completely fulfilled with my job and my life, my choices and my relationships. I died happy.

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Dream #1042

The dry spell has ended. I'm selling copies left and right, hand over fist, faster than I can track. More people are asking for interviews than ever before. My picture makes it into one of those glossy corporate rags. I'm hailed as a success story, and I can sit back and play video games for hours, days, weeks, months without feeling guilty. I can spend endless amounts of time with the woman I love and never feel the pinch of need again.

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Dream #1041

We're finally living together, making wedding arrangements. She's working at Save the Children and I'm at the UN. We both find Nairobi agreeable, and it's exciting to think of the future we will have together, and how we overcame all it took to get us to where we are now. We are in love and there's nothing more we could ask for.

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Dream #1040

I am finally happy to wake up in the mornings. It's hard for me to sleep at night because I'm so happy during the day. My friends have moved around me and I have found an amazing guy who loves my corky weirdness and we're all happy.

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Dream #1039

I've become a confident woman rather than a timid girl. I know what I want and what I need, and how to distinguish between the two. I'm in a loving, balanced relationship, and am constantly affirmed by both myself and my partner. I understand myself and how I work, and I use this knowledge to benefit myself. I have become fully me.

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Dream #1038


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Dream #1037

My dream is that one day all humans will realize that under the stars we are all the same family.

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Dream #1036

I'm really happy with my life, I realize now that I am an important person to a lot of people, I'm happy with who I've chosen as friends, and I know for sure that I am in love with him, and he is in love with me.

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Dream #1035

I have undergone the transition from male to female and am now a normal, functioning woman in society. Life is beautiful.

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Dream #1034

The person who sent in the dream labeling as sinners all who participate in sending in dreams realizes they are wrong, that this wall will remain, that many will change reality with their own will, and that they need to relax and stop being batshit insane.

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Dream #1033

Living my life in the flow of universal creativity where it touches all aspects in silent synchronicity and blessings from relationships, career, family, friends and curiosity.

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Dream #1032

I am a performer working successfully as an actor and singer for world renown opera houses and theatres. I refined my skills in San Francisco for a few years after college singing with Chanticleer. In college I was able to financially support myself while studying with Richard Poppino and I was able to get internships with the Santa Fe Opera.

I am able to support The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Shirner's Hospital for Children, and The Boy Scouts of America through recitals and drives.

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Dream #1031

I have recently opened my dream business, a comic book store, and business is BOOMING! My relationship with my incredible boyfriend has finally taken the next step, we finally got engaged! I am no longer worried about living paycheck to paycheck since I finally learned to save money properly, and things are looking up in the world for me :)

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Dream #1030

My goal is to have a simple life. I want a family, with an amazing husband, and some beautiful, healthy, children. I would love a successful career as a nurse. I'd love to pursue my education to the doctorates level. I want to be so in love with my life I can't help but smile, even on my bad days.

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Dream #1029

I am a successful professional programmer for a state agency who can support my family financially.

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Dream #1028

I have met the love of my life, the man I'll be with for the rest of my life. He treats me better than I could ever imagine and always puts me first. I have a great career and love waking up everyday for work. I no longer have to worry about my finances and make plenty of money, so much so that i am able to treat my family and friends. Speaking of which, i have the best, most loyal family and friends any girl could want. My life is wonderful.

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Dream #1027

I am happy with my job. I am happy with the amount of money I make. I am in love with the man of my dreams and I have the best friend anyone one could have asks for. I love everyday!

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Dream #1026

i am so happy to be with the person I love and the one that loves me. I am so happy that my youngest son has made all his dreams come true and is achieving greatness in what he does. I am so happy that my oldest son knows how much I love him. I am so happy that i no longer have to worry about my pain with MS. I am so happy that my family unit no longer has to worry about financial problems. i am so blessed.

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Dream #1025

Loving my life these days. Finally i am able to live and learn, grow and evolve as my time is no longer devoted to a meaningless job making someone else wealthy. Days are devoted to astonishing ventures with awesome growth spurts. The people, animals and plants have shown me what Life is and my soul is humbled by the beauty denied me for so long. I have the power to love and to give as my days are spent teaching skills of manifesting to others in need of enrichment. I am happy working on learning to empower our planet with beauty & health. I bow my head in gratitude to the Creator, to my Guides, the Angels and Elementals and all the heretofor unseen Life Forces on our planet.

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Dream #1024

I have become a writer and I share my love of words and stories with the world.

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Dream #1023

I am the greatest man ever in every way.

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Dream #1022

I dream of the day I became very rich and could afford everything I ever wanted and I can leave in perfect harmony with my beautiful little family. It was amazing, we had nothing to worry about and our love was stronger than ever and our health was at it's best. It was was if we where living in a perfect world.

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Dream #1021

I am a semi successful man who gets to travel the world. I have wonderful friends and a partner who go on adventures with me. We live in the moment and never settle for average. Every day is an adventure!

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Dream #1020

I finally got laid!

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Dream #1019

I discovered what I did wrong, and I told her. She forgave me.

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Dream #1018

I live in a beautiful town, in a comfortable home that reflects my taste, with a wonderful partner who is my soul mate. My daughter is doing very well in the excellent college she got accepted to with full-funding. She teaches Yoga to pay for her expenses and extras. I see and speak with her often. She and I are both very happy in our lives. I have finished my novel and am on my way to publishing it, and I continue to write regularly. My partner and I travel regularly, to wonderful places in Europe and around the world. We are very comfortable financially, as well as healthy and fit.

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Dream #1017

I traveled the world and found out my true purpose in life. Am truly happy and grateful for all I have been blessed with.

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Dream #1016

For finally loving my best friend as it should be. Even though we are state boundaries away from each other, our bond is only stronger. And I am thankful that I only have a year until I reunite with him in my dream location, forever. <3

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Dream #1015

I'm a successful webmaster with profitable site about espresso coffee.

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Dream #1014

I love universe & enjoy the each moment.

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Dream #1013

I am good at photography.

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Dream #1012

I'm living in Vancouver, BC. I have my dream woman in my life, and I'm making enough money off my music that I can live stress free with no debt. I'm healthy, wealthy and above all else, I'm happy and confident that I have the best life I could possibly have :)

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Dream #1011

To learn to find joy in the now, not the distant future.

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Dream #1010

I can finally fluently understand binary!

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Dream #1009

food for all humans on the planet
enough time and time to create and paint and remember who I am

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Dream #1008

be happy and feel that you have everyone in the world to help me if anything could happen, and be in peace with everyone ;)

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Dream #1007

to become a nurse.

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Dream #1006

To be happy with life as it comes and to except everything as it is.

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Dream #1005

To marry Chris, the man of my dreams.

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Dream #1004

My business is growing! I employ many people, and give them a safe and secure place to put their creative energy. My business supports me today & tomorrow, giving be a secure base to do my part in this world. I am doing my life's work!

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Dream #1003

My hip has healed and there is no pain so I am able to exercise.

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Dream #1002

Today my son got clean from Heroin, he is a good father to his daughter. I am very happy and relieved about this now I can have him over for Thanksgiving and we can celebrate as a family.

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Dream #1001

I am a fully empowered Goddess of light who has surrendered completely to the Universes plan for me. I only know the truth of who I am. I only live in my full potential. My light shines brightly and helps touch and heal all who come in contact with me. I reflect unconditional love.

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Dream #1000

To live to see tomorrow.

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Dream #999

I am so grateful for my fulfilling job and loving girlfriend. I'm glad to be doing something I love and surrounding myself with people who love me.

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Dream #998

To truly find love with a spectacular girl who will make me forever happy. Also to get the fuck out college and get into med school

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Dream #997

The man I met in New Zealand, and formed an indelible bond with, someday... we fall in love at the same time.

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Dream #996

He told me he loved me in all the ways I'd been waiting to hear. He proposed with the "recipe of our life" book I had always dreamt of and with the ring I had always envisioned. I received my acceptance letter to med school in N.C. and the army told me my med corps training was starting in a month as planned and his unit was stationed at the same base as mine.

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Dream #995

Glen and I are in love and together. The house in the woods is finished and it is beautiful. The business is thriving, we travel and share the opportunity. We have changed so many lives for the better, as he changed mine. I love you babe!

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Dream #994

My dream is that I met the girl of my dreams, and that we start a happy and peaceful relationship, not like the ones I've had in my past.

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Dream #993

My dream is to one day be surrounded by the family and friends I love and to be completely satisfied with how it turned out.

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Dream #992

I am everything I wanted to be.

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Dream #991

I am happy, successful, and free. P is healthy and able to live a life with his children, and understands my choices. I am appreciated and loved. I am happy.

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Dream #990

I am grateful for the love that fills my home and surrounds me daily. I am grateful for my husband, my children, my friends and my family. It is a pleasure to live in this house near the water that is busy and noisy and filled with laughter. It is wonderful to have such a beautiful life.

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Dream #989

I am successful teacher in 5th grade. I have published poems and a non-profit that benefits those with intellectual and physical disabilities, and helps others understand them better. I I have a happy family life, close friends and someone to come home to at night. I have traveled to Europe and Latin America and am planning trips to return and explore more. And although I have done and accomplished all of these things, the little moments are still my favorite :)

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Dream #988

I am living in a world, where I can do whatever I want and there are no negative consequences. I am not bound by money, physical form, prejudiced views, or law. The world is mine to live in, and there are no boundaries.

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Dream #987

I have made the difficult decisions necessary to earn my doctorate and become a consultant. I am married to the love of my life. Our children and our families are everything to me. I am so grateful to God for how we have been blessed and for such incredible meaning in my life and in the work I get to do every day. I love all of the travel I do and am so grateful that the art I create is valued in the world.

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Dream #986

I dream of a world of peace, prosperity, passion and pleasure.

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Dream #985

Reality is composed solely of lasagna, cheeseburgers, and macaroni and cheese. I am also no longer lactose intolerant.

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Dream #984

My son did not die, but lives in life after life. This is known to me and all he touched with crystal clarity. Our relationship continues easily and it is beautiful. I am truly blessed.

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Dream #983

I have a job I love a great boyfriend who loves me and a best friend who I can share anything with. I am happy and comfortable with the money I make and my son and myself are very happy.

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Dream #982

I want to see my parents happy and healthy as well as me too. I see myself playing college football and going profesional and using what money I have to make the world a better place and I strive to never give up and love myself as well as my parents and family.

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Dream #981

I am married to my best friend.

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Dream #980

The guy who loves me. Just for who I am, the way I am. And I love him, in every one of my strange ways.

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Dream #979

M is in in love with me. He called me on september 23rd to confess his love for me. He felt sorry for his behaviour. He wanted to be with me and create a beautiful future. It was the most beautiful moment of my life.

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Dream #978

M and I are married and very happy together. Our love for each other is so pure. We are living in a beautiful house. We are healthy , happy and peaceful living in harmony. I am very grateful all that I have.

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Dream #977

I'm financially stable, love fills my life, leave old vices, my soul is quiet, I find my soul mate.

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Dream #976

Depression is my bitch, and I slap it down whenever it rears its ugly head. I am a happy man always.

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Dream #975

Me and B kicked back on the deck of our beautiful new home which we built ourselves gazing out over the path of forest and countryside that we can call our own. I see visions of future abodes for loved ones and friends a place for gathering together to share and thrive in.

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Dream #974

I am going to be the best, most inspiring literature teacher those kids have ever experienced or will ever experience.

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Dream #973

He apologized for what he did and came back to me. I accepted him with open arms. We fell back in love, and things were perfect just like they had been before.

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Dream #972

I am not alone.

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Dream #971

He came back to me and apologized for what he did, and we were in love again.

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Dream #970

I am enlightened! I know the truth about the Universe; learned the truth in a slow and healthy pace.

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Dream #969

I finally figured it out.

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Dream #968

i thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail. it was the hardest thing i've ever done in my life. it was also the most beautiful.

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Dream #967

I secretly enjoy odd future. specifically earl sweatshirt.

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Dream #966

I have friends and am not sitting alone in my room on a friday night.

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Dream #965

I am a stay at home mom and get to spend plenty of time with my son and don't have to worry about money!

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Dream #964

I just got married to the love of my life. I love you, Hunter.

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Dream #963

I'm married to a wonderful loving and devoted man. We are well off and both gainfully employed and living our dreams. We are respected, successful and lead enriching and full lives. Our children our happy and successful in their own right. We care about our families, community and friends. We have a beautiful chocolate lab and live by the water. We are healthy and happy.

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Dream #962

I have come into wealth in an incredible way, paid all my debts, put away some money for the security of my family, bought some extravagant gifts for the friends that mean the most to me and stuck by me in the darkest time of my life, and have created an endowment for local treatment center to assist other drug addicts to get back the remarkable lives they were really meant to lead!

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Dream #961

I am with the man of my dreams. He is handsome, intelligent, and makes me laugh. We love spending time together, in fact, I can hardly keep track of all of our activities. Every weekend is jam packed with hiking, museums, and theatre outings. I am almost never alone anymore! We also love to make time just to hang out together. When I look into the future I am so relieved to have an amazing man to share it with. Being near him is about as good as life can possibly get. Every time he leaves, all I can think about is seeing him again. I am so lucky to have finally found my soul mate!

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Dream #960

He and I are laying in bed, fully dressed, just happy to finally belong to one another, and I wouldn't let go for the world.

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Dream #959

I had the confidence to finish my internship.

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Dream #958

My dream was to have a threesome with two other girls! It happened and they were both HOT!!!

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Dream #957

I am in a committed relationship with the man i have loved for 3 1/2 years and we are both happy. I'm on my way to college with a scholarship, ready to begin my journey of becoming a teacher.

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Dream #956

I have gained the power and influence that rightfully belongs to me. I have become the person I have always envisioned myself of becoming and I have brushed away all those that would deny me my dream.

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Dream #955

I cheated until my dick was sore.

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Dream #954

I am in a wonderful, loving partnership with my dream girl. We have an adopted child and a boatload of pets. My relationship with God with my family is great and I have a decent paying, stable career that I love. Most importantly, none of them care that I have type 2 Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

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Dream #953

i reunited today, the pull was unresistable , we both couldn't be so far away, we got put back together, for good, its been a bit of time, but damn every single second was worth the joy and content i feel of our being, this is how i saw it, our knots came undone, we had to climb back to where they were tied, retie the knots and find a way back to each others ends, so we could start a new beginning

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Dream #952

I have opened the minds of and educated countless people on ways to better our lives alongside bettering the environment, all while leading a fulfilling and happy personal life!

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Dream #951

I have found the key to making all my endeavors pay off finally. I know how to use it, and as I use it, I bring about positive change in my life. I no longer ever worry about whether or not I have enough money to buy little things like coffee or food. I'm buying coffee and food for others, I'm driving a reliable car again, and I'm pursuing my passions. Nothing gets in the way. I love every step of my journey.

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Dream #950

My Mother is healthy and happy. I am able to financially sustain a high quality life, my job is satisfying through helping others. I am at peace.

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Dream #949

after 20 years of constant study and practice I am now a world wide success who everyone knows. The diet I put myself on has finally put me at a reasonable weight so I am healthy....
And have you met this girl, I can't believe she loves me but somehow she does!
Come meet her, her name is......

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Dream #948

I'm back on top again...legally safe....with all my freedom back in place. Able to finally do what I want....when I want.

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Dream #947

I am happily running my own business and spending all my acquired free time and wealth traveling with my wonderful boyfriend! Thank you to my friends and family who believed in me!

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Dream #946

I'm about to make a crap-ton of money. It's almost here! I'll be rolling in it before I can blink.

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Dream #945

i want to get with nicole. tonight. im making it happen.

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Dream #944

I am happy and healthy and living with my amazing boyfriend. I have just finished my degree and we are on the road to bigger and better things in life...together!

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Dream #943

Peters holds our new born baby and smiles and looks up at me, afraid and excited, and smiles, nervous, but sure.

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Dream #942

Living in an apartment that is fully furnished with my soul sister, we are financially secure with awesome jobs that we are happy with. Living close to transportation to get anywhere and everywhere, we are living healthy lives both physically and spiritually. Being survivors in life we have many adventures and stories to tell. Our life is perfect with all its imperfections and our love life with our boyfriends are wonderful as well. Our future is full of potential and our lives are filled with joy.

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Dream #941

I live with my wife and three adopted kids. Having two mommies isn't easy to explain to your children, and most of the time our neighbors give us strange looks for kissing in front of our kids. Love is a beautiful thing. I will never restrict expressing it. My children are Elle, 9 (adopted from Russia), Fae, 12 (adopted from Colombia), and Samuel, 13 (adopted from the homeland). This summer we're going on a vacation to New York for a week, then on a cruise to the Mediterranean beaches in East Spain. My wife and I have been legally married (and happily), in our home state of Texas, for 15 years. We're kind, loving, and hard working women. Christina is an attorney, and I'm a dentist (when I'm not catering to my kid's crazy life!).

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Dream #940

Things have finally worked out between us. It was hard work staying together despite the distance but we managed to do it. We're happy, we're together and eventually we're going to get married. I'm performing all the time and I'm so grateful i get to do what i love everyday.

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Dream #939

I finished college and finally got what I always wanted: To go to Japan and make my life there...with the one person that's the most important to me. We are living the dream we both wished for, we'll say our vows very soon. Stanley, I love you so much, being with you for as long as I live is the best decision I've ever made.

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Dream #938

My dream is to be Soundly secure and happy. To travel around the world at my pace and see the things I desire at the time I desire to see them. I want to live in Britain and write, produce and cast successful movies. I want my dream home on a large lot in the Los Angeles area as well as a home in Palm Desert or Rancho Mirage, Ca.

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Dream #937

I forsook all the material bonds I have with the world and by only having irreplacable and necessary things in a backpack I have, I travel around the world using hitchiking or walking or working for food or travelling. (I have worked on a ship for a month in exchange of my traveling fee).
I am happy the way I am now. I met a lot of great people around the world, made many friends and I prove myself that money is not important it is the courage and willpower to make your life the best you can live.

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Dream #936

I live in a world where no one cares what others think of them, where I don't care about how much I weight anymore or whether or not I will always be able to make my husband happy.

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Dream #935

I know which boy is best for me in the long run.

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Dream #934

I am Richard Anthony gross wardrobe supervisor on broadway. Working with the with the greatest directs of my time.George c Wolfe, Charles Randolph wright, kenny Leon. Home owner with property around the world. Worth 28684000 and living the best life of my time...traveling the world doing costuming and designing making a great name for my times...

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Dream #933

I'm going to college next fall!

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Dream #932

I am living on a massive rolling green hills type of property in New Zealand. I live there with my beautiful husband, my kids, my white golden retriever, my cats, and other animals. I am making my living writing, photography, music, and creating educational software. We have a pool, lots of hiking trails, and bikes to keep us fit. We have enough money to live comfortably and can travel often.

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Dream #931

I played the dusty chords and cried the broken lyrics. When I finished, the realization dawned on her. I'd told her what I'd never told any one. I did it the only way I could.

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Dream #930

i live with my soul mate kerry in the little round house that we built ourselves on the land that we were given. we have a stream with a water wheel, a wall of solar panels and a windmill for generating our power. we live mostly off vegetables grown on our plot, eggs from our chickens and milk from our goats. all our other expenses are more than catered for with the money we earn from our arts and crafts. life is amazing!

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Dream #929

He finally realizes he loves me. When he gets home on vacation from college he admits it. I start school soon after to get my doctorate for English. We marry and have several children. I teach at a college and he's got his ministry uo and running full swing. We are happy in a moderately sized home with two fairly new autos. I thank God for all that I have every night before I go to bed

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Dream #928

I am a successful bar owner, with no children and happily married to the love of my life. I do not want nor worry about anything except for my patrons, whom are my friends as well. I have been able to give back to my mother and grandmother for raising me and have gladly lost contact with my father.

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Dream #927

Me and my boyfriend have been dating for a while now, almost 2 years, and I fell in love all over again. It really is true that distance makes the heart grow fonder.

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Dream #926

She finally loved me like she did once before, like nothing was wrong..and everything was right. I love you KMP

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Dream #925

Two chicks at the same time

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Dream #924

Living the gentile, profound intelligent life with the man who loves to love me, man of responsible passion, a bit wild in the look.And we raise the children into exceptional human beings and we all feel blessed and we love to spend time with each other and we visit places, we receive visits..we enjoy laugh, we have some sacral obligations like keeping our stuff in some kind of order, we go to school, we work on ourselves, we help others, we share the most valuable of ours..we look perfect - almost like the Sacred Family...we enjoy every single day - our daily injuries never cross over the line of quick self healing. We enjoy and respect each other's intimacy..my husband is an influential man, very influential..therefore reasonably wealthy. He is a highly positioned official in the Intelligence Service..we lead very enlightening conversations - he is mad about me, sexually and me as well-he is everything I was dreaming about the male. All in all we are having sensational time together surrounded with abundance of extraordinary energies and atmosphere..Aaaand, oh boy, do we look like a million dollar!!!! Love, natural and essential.

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Dream #923

I am getting married to the love of my life, and I have a job that I enjoy going to.

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Dream #921

I had a conversation with the Devil himself. He appeared to me as a young man. When I asked him who he was, he said to me that I already knew the anwser to that question. When I asked him if he was the Devil, he tried to scare me. He looked me in my eyes and his eyes turned black and his aura was chilling to my bones.
He was standing a few meters apart from me and when I told him that I did not fear evil. He got scary at that moment. His eyes where blazing and in a split of a second his face was right in front of me and he was hissing to me. He smiled and said, 'I know', you have nothing to fear, for now.

After that we had a conversation where he told me that the most people going to Hell these days are religious fanatics. And that his main task these days would be 'cleaning up' these people. He told me that a true good soul knew if he/she is walking the right path and that true passion for religion is in your heart. The religious books that religious people revered to were written by man, and thus corrupted by the 'free will' of Mankind.

The dream was quite scary but I do think about it from time to time. It was one of the most interesting conversations I ever had, while awake or sleeping.

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Dream #922

Were married and doing something that we each are incredibly passionate about.

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Dream #920

We're so happy. My fears were for nothing. He actually likes me for me. I like him for him, and we're going in the right direction romantically. I'm so grateful I met him.

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Dream #919

I am the happiest person in the world. All is right in my life.

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Dream #918

I am fearless of fault and humbled by achievement. Possibility rests in my hands waiting for me to use it. I take the gift in gratitude and become better for accepting something outside myself. I open my heart to the world.

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Dream #917

I am not afraid and walk through life with an open heart. One glance from another is enough to take me out of my world, and make me feel like I am a part of something real. I look into the chaos and see that I wield the power to bring order, and I bring it. Without doubt, without guilt, without fear, hatred, or pride, I share myself with the world.

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Dream #916

She came back yesterday after all this time the girl of my dreams walked through the front door as if the last 6 months never happened. She loves me again as much as I love her! I am holding her in my arms like I did the first time I told her "I love you" and she tells me she will never leave again.

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Dream #915

I am finally in charge of my own life. My health problems are over and I feel ready for anything. I am full of life and love and energy. I am learning new things and bettering myself as a person. I have everyone I want in my life and I am living the way I want to. I am creating and loving and living every day to the fullest.

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Dream #914

My soul mate and I are surrounded by many wives and many many happy children...around a giant table filled with love.

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Dream #913

We have become close as mother and daughter again. You have seen what he is doing, and came to understand my love for you is unconditional and everlasting.

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Dream #912

I rejoice in my full, rich life. I have plenty of true friends, meaningful work to do, lots of fun activities to look forward to, and enough money to meet all of my needs and desires. Best of all, obstacles have fallen away and Bill and I have a joyous, blessed, lasting relationship as we create a happy family together. I am living a charmed life, as I am reminded daily that dreams really do come true. Thank you!

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Dream #911

I have the best boyfriend in the world, who cares about me even when the rest of the world walks out.

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Dream #910

The worlds have finally collided, for myself. The people I know by their spiritual standpoints, display their sacred, occult side. I see and feel the new laws. This is merely an addition, albeit all-important, to the 'real' world. I walk the depths of reality

...I see my reflection...

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Dream #909

Hazy eyes open for the first in an age-long time. The heart is weak, new, yet beating and warm. Nothing more I have wanted in my life, than my love, and all is given for her; I see her for the first time. Finally, I breathe in the fresh air of life... A mind shut down for eternity now Commences again. I feel the innocence of life. I wake up for the first time.

There is so much to do.

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Dream #908

Her family accepts me as her future husband, regardless of my race. They know I am a good guy and I love her with all my heart and everyone is happy. We have two beautiful healthy children and happy lives. I am grateful because I never gave up along the way.

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Dream #907

I met the gentlest, nicest guy who accepts me for who I am, and for who I don't have to pretend to be something I'm not. He gave me my first kiss!

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Dream #906

I stopped looking and wishing for what everyone else has, eventually after accepting myself it came to ME!

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Dream #905

I astral projected and created my own kingdom of dreams.

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