I became healthy and prosperous through my own efforts. The struggles of the past gave me the strength to become a unique individual with great talents and resources that I used to spread joy and love to others. Also I learned to shred on the guitar and went camping and snowboarding a lot.
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Dream #581
I live very comfortably in a farm in Costa Rica with my Corazon and Love of my life; Bernie. My children come to visit us with the grandchildren
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Dream #580
I'm in love, I found the love of my life, she is awesome :)
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Dream #579
We are happily spending our years together. We're young, but we're in love. There are no more games and we are upfront about how we feel. There's nothing that could come between us and we are forever happy in each other's arms.
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Dream #578
I am very grateful for havin reached a fully independant phase of life where I'm very satisfied & contented on all levels :D
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Dream #577
I am not lonely. I have friends who love and support me. My family is helpful and loving. I am never cold.
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Dream #576
I found a way to make a comfortable living and support my family.
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Dream #575
I have a family and I am loved.
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Dream #574
I am happily married to the woman of my dreams, we have a son and a younger daughter. My life is on the road with my touring band and millions of fans, but my family is always backstage cheering me on.
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Dream #573
I see myself as a strong and beautiful person, who is not effected by anyone else's influences.
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Dream #572
I will have all goodness surround me, my sons, extended family members, and friends. Soon, I will meet someone well rounded, happy and healthy to share my life. Life will keep getting better and better!
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Dream #571
I have friends and it no longer hurts to be with others.
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Dream #570
I have opened a small bakery and teach cooking classes to young children hoping to inspire them someday.
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Dream #568
I know my boyfriend loves me more than anyone in the world
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Dream #567
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Dream #566
My wife easily finds another job where they pay her twice as much and treat her really nice because they know that's what she deserves for working so hard.
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Dream #565
I love working at Francesca's Boutique. It has brought into my life new friends, more profound purpose at the workplace, and is a blessing to me, and my hubby.
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Dream #564
Things will always turn out much more awesome than I expect them to.
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Dream #563
I am happy and at peace with the world, and myself.
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Dream #562
I die peacefully, having been used by the universe to make life better for everyone in and coming into existence.
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Dream #561
I love and live in a home and have security and success for my son.
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Dream #560
Won 63,000,000 in lottery open S.O.L.T.A. and help feed and guide the world.
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Dream #559
This will be the last time we're apart. I will be allowed to move my family to be with you and we will live out our fairy tale lives together. I love you.
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Dream #558
I have a crafting studio in the country where folks of all ages come to get in touch with their creative side. We create with all sorts of mediums, and love to re-purpose things. There are nice gardens near the studio and some of the classes focus on using garden items...like creating our own blends of tea and drying flowers or using the huge leaves of a rhubarb plant to make a birdbath. Simple ideas, simple projects, true fun.
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Dream #557
I am a strong woman with a man who loves me more than life, and a body of love surrounding me thanks to those I have in my life. I create my sphere of influence, and I intend to make my connection the utmost high and flourishing it can possibly be. I will serve others. I will give myself up to Him, and the greater good!
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Dream #556
I have him by my side and little ones on the way.While also striving in my career that makes me so happy.
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Dream #555
I finally graduated and I landed my dream job, all with benefits and a great pay! I'm truly happy.
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Dream #554
I will travel the world one day or at least travel the 50 states when I graduate from college with my bffs.
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Dream #553
I'm the best there is. I have my black belt and I'm the women's MMA champion. No one thought I could do it, but here I am!
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Dream #552
I'm finally with the guy I used to watch everyday at the gym. I think this is the one.
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Dream #551
I am a successful Registered Nurse, helping others so they don't leave the lives of the people they love. Also he recognized OUR love.
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Dream #550
I've finally gotten over him! He isn't ruling my thoughts and actions anymore. I've found someone else who makes me feel amazing, who wants to fight with me and who doesn't hurt.
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Dream #549
I'm in love with my best friend and I'm awfully happy that he realized he loves me back and that we are really good together. I'm exited about the love that has found my heart, and could not be a more happier woman.
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Dream #548
I have someone who loves me. Someone just for me.
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Dream #547
My family is always there for me, and will always love me. I have a bright future, and I can do whatever I want to do! I could become a professor, or an astronaut, and nothing will stop me! I have the tools to do whatever I want.
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Dream #546
Wherever I am and whomever I am with, what I do or what I don't, I will be satisfied.
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Dream #545
She forgave me and she is back in my life, the love of my life, I'm so happy to be loved by the one love of my life
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Dream #544
She is back in my life :) I love her and I'm the happiest person in the world, we are working together to make this relationship strong and amazing
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Dream #543
I win the lottery. I remain a good person only wealthy. I share. I live the life free of financial worry. Or, I live free of worry.
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Dream #542
Every day, creative ideas form and immediately course down to my hands where they become reality. My entire world and network of loved ones living and passed are the matrix from which my mind flowers. This will flow all of my life, unimpeded. It is how I kiss the living universe with love.
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Dream #541
I see myself with another, being happy in love once again.
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Dream #540
I have learned the Pagan way and have people around me to teach me how to follow this path.
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Dream #539
I am beautiful to someone finally! I have found someone who adores me and tells me everyday that he loves me. The best part is, I have finally made it as an actress and have proven my mom wrong. Next time you see my movie mom, you will be laughing at the funniness of the movie, not my dream. By the way, I finally love myself for who I am!!!
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Dream #538
I see myself happy again, feeling like I am living. I see myself as an actress in a movie, and I am happy, truly happy.
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Dream #537
I am head over heels in love with my husband, after dating for a couple of years. I have enough money in the bank to do anything I please. We both are financially and emotionally stable. We have a ton of friends, and are planning on kids soon.
I am happy and so very confident!
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I am happy and so very confident!
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Dream #536
I'm visiting my family after a term at one of the best universities in the world with my boyfriend holding my hand.
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Dream #535
I dream that someone loves me and pays attention to me. I'm no longer so damn lonely.
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Dream #534
I hear no more disturbing voices, I am happy, healthy, and loved.
Ive moved out of my fathers house and gotten a place of my own, where I can delve into advanced spiritual practises
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Ive moved out of my fathers house and gotten a place of my own, where I can delve into advanced spiritual practises
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Dream #532
My boyfriend got over his fear of commitment and started showing me he loved me and we are now happy again
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Dream #531
I am sitting in mine & my boyfriend's awesome new apartment, cuddling & watching movies with my dog <3
we become more in love with eachother with each passing day.
I am making great money and am making enough to not have to worry about paying the bills & to be able to save/spend a good amount too.
I am more connected to the earth & others then I have ever been.
I have frequent lucid dreams, connect with my spirit guides, I have become a radiant being of love & light.
I am peaceful & wise, and are very in touch with my spirituality.
many people listen to my words and use them for guidance.
I am so happy, I am so free.
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we become more in love with eachother with each passing day.
I am making great money and am making enough to not have to worry about paying the bills & to be able to save/spend a good amount too.
I am more connected to the earth & others then I have ever been.
I have frequent lucid dreams, connect with my spirit guides, I have become a radiant being of love & light.
I am peaceful & wise, and are very in touch with my spirituality.
many people listen to my words and use them for guidance.
I am so happy, I am so free.
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Dream #530
My boyfriend ended his service in the navy and I'm finished with college and we can finally be together!
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Dream #529
After 35 years of learning how my industry works I am now playing on a global stage, interacting with thought leaders across the globe introducing new and exciting programs that bring insurance to those that need it most but cannot afford it and at the same time I am changing the way the world sees risks in emerging markets and enhancing trade amongst emergent nations.
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Dream #528
I have overcome all of my difficulties in life. My family is healthy and well. I have made a difference in the world. I have found someone who loves and cares about me, and we are happy together. I am able to live life to the fullest and do all the things I enjoy doing.
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Dream #527
My friends and I drove out to a field, smoked a huge blunt and played frisbee for hours.
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Dream #526
I am sitting here feeling such relief, knowing I had pay off all of the student loans for the kids and I am completely debt free. From where I am sitting I can see my peaceful backyard, the flowers and large shaded trees swaying in the breeze, the sun shining through the tree branches. My home is comfortable and fill with warmth, love and the smell of bake goods and laughter.
My work is fun, exciting, rewarding and appreciative...
I am happy, peaceful and loved.
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My work is fun, exciting, rewarding and appreciative...
I am happy, peaceful and loved.
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Dream #525
My birthfamily and I are getting along really well now. They are truly grateful to have me in their lives now, and I am welcome at all family occasions. I am living in Dunedin, in a comfortable house with my partner. No children- I have all my neices and nephews around the house now anyway, because all my family is mostly living around the same area of the country now. My older brother and I still have our Disney Movie and Drinking nights, and he is completely content with himself, his background, and me.
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Dream #524
I got an agent interested in my script and she liked it. So after a couple of meetings, they decided to shoot the first season. It's going to air next week. All that hard work paid off. Writing and rewriting and then proofreading, query letters, all that paid off. I'm living in LA right now, in a beautiful 5-bedroom home. Now, my mission is to accidentally fall in love. I thank God for listening to my prayers and being there for me, all the time and holding my hand. I thank God for being supportive and holding me close when I broke down and keeping faith in me when I didn't. Thank you my Lord! :) I love my family for being there and believing in me, especially my sister and my dad. They both motivated me in different ways that kept me aware of my dream. I thank my mom for not shattering my dream. I love you guys!
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Dream #523
We're together, secure and peaceful.
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Dream #522
I am attracting the readers who love my work enough to give me positive reviews. Those who think my work sucks find someone else's work to pick on.
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Dream #521
I am sitting in a rocking chair in front of a fireplace with my husband of 40 years beside me. Our children have all grown and we are now watching the growth of our beautiful grandchildren. We look back to the days that we lived far away from each other and are thankful for standing by one another for all we have now
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Dream #520
I am waking up with my girlfriend in my arms, I am no longer going back and forth on breaking up. We are together and I love her. Things are good. I'm not overwhelmed. and I am sure I want to stay with her.
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Dream #519
I have my own company, having converted the colossal mass of garbage in the middle of the pacific to food, the worlds power supply at my fingertips via my solar empire, I've established viable private commercial space flight, and am on the descent, poised to be the first man to set foot on Phobos.
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Dream #518
I am so happy, blessed and grateful for the peace and trust and joy I am experiencing in my life with all people who are in in with me...
I am thankful for all the beauty and love as it unfolds day by day, in more wonderful ways than I can imagine, knowing God is in me...thus creating a life of wonder and love.
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I am thankful for all the beauty and love as it unfolds day by day, in more wonderful ways than I can imagine, knowing God is in me...thus creating a life of wonder and love.
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Dream #517
I am totally happy, I am loved, loved by you whom I love. I am content and peaceful with the life I have, I am living without stressing over money or bills, we make well enough to live very comfortably. I am happy, I am loved. My family is content and peaceful. We are happy, healthy, loved and present. Thank you God for all your blessings...!!!
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Dream #516
I have him my soulmate he loves me unconditionally always calling me and texting to check up on me well be engaged soon we've never been happier our families approve and well soon live with each other. he cant go a day with out checking up on me I love it I have everything Ive always wanted right now
money, love , family I have it.
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money, love , family I have it.
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Dream #515
I have finally found him my soulmate the one who's always there for me now that I have him I don't ever want him to go anywhere we are both very successful we live in a big house with both our families. our families get along very well and my mom my mom isn't sick anymore and can travel now. I have everything I've ever wanted and more.
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Dream #514
I am with you and you are with me, in the ways that feel good, in the contexts that feel good, loving each other exactly how we want to, in our highest good.
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Dream #513
I am having breakfast on the balcony overlooking the crystal clear blue waters, thinking back to a very different time in my life. I am happy! my children are happy! I have a wonderful man in my life who treats me with respect and is my best friend. I am living my dream...
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Dream #512
I am a respected professional who makes a great deal of money in my chosen field. As a success, I can laugh at the people who look down upon me.
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Dream #511
I am happy, strong, beautiful and have everything I could possibly want.
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Dream #510
I have studied and finished college with a degree in Electrical Engineering, a GPA of 3.5 and a sense of pride I have never felt before. I was hired by a communication company with an income of $10k a month in Dubai, I am 100% fulfilled with my job and everything is going perfect in my life! Oh and not to mention that I married the girl I've been in love with for 5 years! ; )
I traveled all around the world, visited every place I have ever wanted to visit!!
Life has been nothing but wonderful to me! I can't express how happy I am.
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I traveled all around the world, visited every place I have ever wanted to visit!!
Life has been nothing but wonderful to me! I can't express how happy I am.
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Dream #509
He took me home to meet his parents, I think they really liked me!
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Dream #508
I told my parents about the guy I've been seeing for a while, and they didn't get angry.
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Dream #507
I am loved regardless of my differences.
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Dream #506
I am filled with loving and healing energy. I see the world for not only what it is, but what it can mean to me. My spiritual gardens are filled with herbs and love, as far as the eye can see. I tend to them as I grow and experience what life means to me. I find my place in this vast world, and know that no matter what may happen, good or bad, it is all for a reason, and ultimately my own benefit. I see clearly the path I take in this world, as well as the other paths that I may choose to take. My prosperity grows as I enlighten myself on the true value of material goods, and savoring all that comes, whether small or large. I am my own Goddess, and I succeed in all that I put my mind to.
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Dream #505
Every action I do is inspired by the wish to further that which is good and true.
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Dream #504
I know who I am and what I really need to be happy.
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Dream #503
I am so glad I am confident in my job and feel proud and happy every day while I work.
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Dream #501
I have more money than sense for a change.
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Dream #500
All the movies, books and music of the world are shared equally and all the artists of the world are well fed. Everyone lives in happiness and security and can choose to do whatever they want whenever they want.
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Dream #498
I am traveling the world for fun and I am learning a lot of new languages as I go.
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Dream #497
He came back to me! We're happy together and things keep getting better!
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Dream #496
I am relaxed. I am serene. I am happy and at peace with myself. I consider myself a success and do not measure myself by the standards of those who have a limited view of the world. I am exactly where I need to be to be happiest. I am loving life, and that love makes others happy and inspires them.
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Dream #495
I am creative, I am using my creative abilities to show case them to the world, I am happy, I am living with feelings on contentedness. I am living a life that fills myself and those around me with positive emotions of happiness and love. I make decisions based on integrity yet have an open and flexible persona as to not discard the good advise of others. I am eating food from the earth and making people smile from foot step to foot step.
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Dream #494
I am a rockstar and very wealthy but not corrupt what so ever, I have the girl of my dreams and me my friends and family are very wealthy, healthy, and happy, I have everything I need mostly what I want.
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Dream #493
My graphic novels were bought yesterday by a major Hollywood studio to be turned into feature films.
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Dream #492
I have been with him all my life and love him so much. I could want nothing more.
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Dream #491
I am grateful that I got to marry my high school love. He made me the happiest girl in the world, and I am so proud to be his wife.
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Dream #490
I am so blessed that Blake loves me and has chosen me to be his wife! Life is incredibly satisfying, and happiness abounds in our relationship! Thank you to the Universe and God for making this dream come true!!
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Dream #489
I am content with the way things are and can appreciate my life and love my surroundings and myself.
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Dream #488
I am amazed I am so lucky to have a job that I truly love and be with a man that is everything I ever wanted him to be.
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Dream #487
I am married to the love of my life, who has made it into the grad school of his dreams.
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Dream #486
I got to meet my biological mother before she died.
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Dream #485
I am a successful writer!
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Dream #484
We all learned from the mistakes of the past and are now able to help each other or at least respect us mutually.
To reach that maybe we have to introduce a concept which allows us to recognize retarding thoughts and activity early enough.
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To reach that maybe we have to introduce a concept which allows us to recognize retarding thoughts and activity early enough.
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Dream #483
I am solid, like a wall of sound, my reverberations crumble the boundaries between your soul and mine and we are together, in love, in peace, inside and out. Together we write the song of life and sing it to the mountains, we write the story of forever and read it to our children.
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Dream #482
I am free of anxiety, and I am successful and happy
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Dream #481
I have a wonderful, close relationship with a partner that is healthy, loving, passionate, secure and blessed.
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Dream #480
That D and A love grows stronger and deeper everyday. Their love is infinite and everlasting, without end. They always show each other how much they care and love each other, and turn to each other for support and guidance.
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Dream #479
I am happy with the way I look. I am a famous singer, and song writer. I use my creativity in ways that I can make a living, give back, and be happy. I am loved, and love so much more in return. I have confidence, and I am free to show people the real me. My charisma has finally arrived, and I am showing it to the world.
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Dream #478
I am an amazing creative individual. I am able to write poetry fluently whenever I wish. I draw exactly what I see in my mind. I take beautiful photos. My best friend and I are finally on the same page and are soaking luxuriously in the essence of our love. I have money to buy the things I've always wanted to. I never have to grovel for the things I need in life. Life is perfect.
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Dream #477
I am no longer stricken with fears of failure and inadequacy. I am capable of loving and receiving love from those in my life that matter most. My art flows freely and beautifully from my imagination; my body is healthy and strong.
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Dream #476
I have made it big in the rap game
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Dream #475
I am visiting my favorite city Rome for the first time, and I went to Yale for college. Now, I am the Head Librarian of the Library of Congress. Life is good. (:
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Dream #474
I am in a wonderful, healthy, sensual, loving relationship with the boy I'm in love with.
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Dream #473
I am a successful actress, with more than enough money to get by. Now I can stay with my broke boyfriend without worrying about making it day to day.
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Dream #472
I saw his name appear on the screen of my phone. He said he made a terrible mistake and he's sorry.
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Dream #471
I got into UTT and now I get to be with my boyfriend in person, we are no longer a long distance couple. <3
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Dream #470
I am a healthy, strong, beautiful woman. I am a highly creative artist and I make a fine living from my creations. I am abundant in every way & it makes me so happy to be able to share my abundance with my family, friends, & with the world. My husband and I have a beautiful home we designed ourselves & had built that is just the right size for us on our own land. Our marriage is always growing & becoming more loving. Our life together is happy, balanced & peaceful. I am comfortable with me, I accept myself as I am, I love myself no matter what & I am so thankful for all the wonders of the universe!
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Dream #469
I am happy and cannot help but smile incessantly.
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Dream #468
I am thankful that my children are all healthy, happy and whole. My youngest has awakened from his stupor and sees that life is good and pure and not evil. He doesn't even remember what bad is like. I smile because my other children have accomplished their goals and have found the loves of their lives. I am traveling with my true love and we are spreading truth, light and love wherever we go. Our love for each other spills out to everyone around us. Our house is paid for and we are free.
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Dream #467
I wake when it's time and sleep when I'm tired. Time has no meaning for me. My life is fluid, I am river. I am content.
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Dream #466
I am a pacifist, after years of living a violent life. I have managed to isolate myself completely from the world of violence I left behind. I have no friends, no enemies, no family, no lovers. When I die, it will be as a sweet murmur, a quiet passing from the world that will leave no splashes of pain or sorrow. I will be forgotten, as I should be. I am happy in the knowledge that nothing I do will cause anyone I love pain anymore.
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Dream #465
I am well traveled and fluent in several languages. I am sun kissed, in good shape and driven by happiness and not success! I wake up every morning with goosebumps in anticipation of the day ahead of me!
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Dream #464
I am happy, I am loved, loved by you whom I love. I am content and peaceful with the life I have, I am living without stressing over money or bills, we make well enough to live comfortably. I am happy, I am loved.
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Dream #463
I am living in peace and harmony, surrounded by the healthy, supporting presence of people I care about. I have enough money to take the issue of money off the table, and enough good food to eat healthily. As I eat healthily, I become stronger and more awake to the possibilities my body offers. When I am ready, I find a vibrant, spontaneous person with whom I can fall in mutual love.
Oh... and I have a Shenanigans hat all my own. ^_^
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Oh... and I have a Shenanigans hat all my own. ^_^
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Dream #462
I have graduated college with a BA in painting and am able to do what I love. I have friends that love me, support me, and respect me. I have gained the respect of my mother. I am a person who feels she is deserving of love. I am who I am and love myself for that no matter what anyone else thinks.
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Dream #461
I have travelled to the New World. I have made a life here, a new start, with many new friends while never ever forgetting my friends back home and of course my family. I have a job working outside like a Gardener. It is hard work but it is honest. I will have met a woman who is wonderful, who loves life and we will build a relationship together.
And Liverpool will win the Premier League.
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And Liverpool will win the Premier League.
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Dream #460
I am a Junior in high school and my best friend graduated. He came back to visit me, wrapped his arms around me, and in that moment it felt as though I would never lose him again. Please come back to visit.
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Dream #459
I am working at a job I REALLY LOVE. I spend time with my kids doing things that make memories. I am in love with a wonderful man that loves me too. My house is always clean. We have enough of everything and are all very happy!
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Dream #458
I just had a healthy baby and am a wonderful mother. I found a man who will support me and the baby and we are all living happily as a family.
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Dream #457
I have everything I need and more. I am happy, healthy, loved and wealthy. I found the purpose of my life and I know that now I can accomplish everything because I am surrounded by people who love me and support me. Life is Beautiful!
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Dream #456
I Have a best friend to enjoy life with and living on the beach!
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Dream #455
I've just finished university and I did really well. I'm so proud of myself, and I'm excited for the rest of my life to begin. I know exactly where I want to go from now on.
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Dream #454
I am one of the smartest men in the world.
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Dream #453
I am traveling free. I have love in my heart for all walks of life and meet new people all the time. I am stress free most days and don't get hung up on little things. There are many stamps in my passport.
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Dream #452
I am so happy and grateful now that I have released my past so that I can love myself.
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Dream #451
I work as a full-time Senior Network Engineer. My wife is amazing enough to feel like a dream, yet flawed just enough to seem real. I drive a Mercedes Benz. The house I live in is beautiful and just the right size. My kids are no longer influenced by their completely unfit mother and now have a mother that cares. Finally, the chiweenie I rescued from the shelter has quickly revealed to me that I do love dogs.
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