I AM very healthy, wealthy, in love and happy!
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Dream #449
I am successful billionaire entrepreneur running my own fortune 500 hundred company..With my money I use it fund to projects do discover the secrets of the earth and space and our forgotten history of the past.
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Dream #448
I feel the soft white sand under my feet and the sound of the sea in my ears as the trees whoosh in the wind.The kids are with me, happy,healthy,tanned,as we gather up our things and head for our beach home.The sun sets on another day of living and loving and I give thanks for my family and my partner,my soulmate.
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Dream #447
I have aged beautifully, and it feels amazing to finally know the meaning of "Grace".
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Dream #446
I own a house in northern Maine, when not there I travel the world as a lighting/set designer for museums, architecture, stage productions and film.
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Dream #445
I have breathed in the White Light, and my lungs are healed. I do not suffer long nights of spasms and painful coughing. My life is rich with love and blessings. I have always, do, and will always adore my husband and my boys.
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Dream #444
I have a man in my life who loves me for me and treats me with respect
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Dream #443
I have adoring sluts on my ranch and growing my own food and maken my own energy with constant celerbration and respect for life
mr spanky =)
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mr spanky =)
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Dream #442
I am a successful inventor dwelling in the now, that continues to manifest his ideas into great products.
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Dream #441
I am healthy and happy. My daughters are getting along and are happy. I see them often and we laugh together and enjoy being together.
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Dream #440
I am so glad I already met that special someone. He gives me confidence, passion about life, security and hope for a better tomorrow every day. I like his sunny smile, his deep loving voice and the way he looks at me when I don`t watch. I like when we make love, he is always so gentle and beautiful. I like the way he cuddles me with his strong arms, I like hearing his heart close to my body. I adore the way he makes me coffee or tea every time I wish him to and the deep feelings of love he is feeling. I like that once in a while he makes me a huge surprise, something that reminds me how beautiful the life can be. I like that no one else exists for him, I am his friend, lover, I am his everything. I like traveling the world wit him, visiting places and holding hands while watching the view. I love him and he loves and supports me. He likes my ideas and the way I think, we are very happy and nothing can keep us apart.
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Dream #439
I have made a major contribution to theoretical physics, and received the Nobel Prize.
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Dream #438
I have found the man I will spend the rest of my life with.
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Dream #437
I am an artist, I live my life in love with everything, I'm free and peaceful, I live in a world full of joy, I have no fear in my heart, I'm open to everyone, I live powered by love.
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Dream #436
I have just finished grad school from a well known college. I am living comfortably by constantly stimulating my mind via traveling the world and meeting people that challenge me. All the while, I don't care what others think about me because I am blinded by the beauty of happiness and my inner peace.
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Dream #435
We own our house in Jerusalem. We are wealthy and help people become stable in many areas of life. Our house is filled with Torah and happiness. We are amazed at the loving kindness that is given in every form.
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Dream #434
I am playing catch with my young son. I have been with my wife for several years. We have just settled down to suburbia after a few years of living on the road. It's now time to raise our children together and begin our journey into old age.
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Dream #433
I finally met the man of my dreams but he is on the other side of the state. We are talking about meeting up really soon and I am finally happy for the first time in awhile.
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Dream #432
I spend every night in the arms of the man I love.
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Dream #431
I am able to take care of my family and we never struggle with bills. We have a place to live and are happy.
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Dream #430
I have a complete understanding of music as an art. I have mastered my instrument and I'm teaching children to master their instruments as well. Through my teaching, my students are learning to appreciate and practice music to the best of their abilities. They are growing into better and happier people because of the addition of music in their lives.
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Dream #429
I attract positive things and people into my life that love me for who I am.
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Dream #428
I Just Witnessed My 1st Born Child By an Incredible Woman Who Will Love Me and Stay With me Forever...
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Dream #427
I have unconditional love for the human race and have persisted in living life with an open heart and open mind.
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Dream #426
I am making a difference in this world. I believe in myself.
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Dream #424
I have finally been able to get health insurance with no pre-existing conditions clause and my diabetes disappeared with all the extra weight on my frame!
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Dream #423
I have brought about the existence of human rights and dignities globally - within the USA where I live and elsewhere.
Silent Temple
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Silent Temple
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Dream #422
I am neat. I am tidy. I will give my kids a clean and fun and well organized place to play in.
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Dream #421
I am a better daddy then I ever thought possible. My family is want for nothing material so all our time is better spent loving each other and wallowing in the precious little time we have left.
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Dream #420
We travel. When there is money we take the train and when there is none we walk with heavy rucksacks on our backs. We walk through towns and villages, woods and fields. We climb up mountains and sometimes float down streams on improvised rafts. Big cities do not welcome us and so we stay away. Life is as beautiful as it is simple. We make love in a different place every night. Afterwards we look at the stars or into each others eyes, depending on how wild the experience had been.
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Dream #419
I'm currently looking down upon my empire. The armies of the world have fallen before my armies, and it feels good. My dominion stretches across the globe, and is slowly spreading into the stars. My people are healthy, happy, and intelligent. There is no more war, nor any major civil disturbances, and my people are prosperous. I have destroyed my enemies, and the enemies of civilization. And it is good.
Ah, the ladies are calling me back to bed, so I must cut this off.
What? We all have at least one vice, and I am happy to oblige them in it.
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Ah, the ladies are calling me back to bed, so I must cut this off.
What? We all have at least one vice, and I am happy to oblige them in it.
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Dream #418
We live in a small cottage by the woods. It is a simple life, no jobs or taxes but self-sufficient work. In the mornings I light a fire so that our room is warm when you wake. In the afternoons we walk along the streams and up the hills. Sometimes we fish and sometimes we gather. Sometimes we farm. Rarely do we visit the local town. In the evenings we make love under heavy covers. Life is simple.
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Dream #417
I want to be on my own, happy, secure financially, and I want my boyfriend in my arms for always.
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Dream #416
Our little girl has your beautiful blue eyes. We're happily married and live in a small, modest house. We're not rich but we can afford everything we need. we both love our jobs. Our children grow up speaking French and English. They are so talented! they play basketball just like we both did when we were young. We are so proud of them. Every year we go back to Virginia, the place we first met. Our lives are a little crazy at times but there's a lot of love in our house.
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Dream #415
I have written and published a book.
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Dream #414
I am a brilliant opera singer, employed in some great opera houses, singing roles that are satisfying and challenging. I have been raved about in music reviews, and am well received in the opera world. I am able to share my economic wealth as well as wealth of knowledge and wisdom with young people aspiring to be opera singers. I bring excitement to the stage and people are eager to share in the excitement. For a few hours in their day, I was able to bring them happiness and allow them to escape from the sometimes mundane nature of life. Magic exists in this world, and they are allowed to believe as I am allowed to believe. I am very happy! :)
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Dream #413
My relationship with Christ is warm and glowing. I have been blessed with a loving, passionate husband. We are well traveled and during those travels, have touched the hearts of thousands. Money is never an issue. Support from our friends and family gives us strength. We will die as a fine example of Christianity.
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Dream #412
Randy and I made my company into a powerhouse that is making both of us a ton of money. We're hanging out every day, laughing and supporting our wives while they go back to school. We even bought a house together that we can all live in! It's awesome!
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Dream #411
They were able to recover the text I thought I'd lost when the file my book was saved in got corrupted! I've got the whole thing back! Five more chapters to write and I'll be done! Yay!
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Dream #410
I have fallen in love with twin brothers.
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Dream #409
He is honest and wonderful and amazing, and he loves me. <3 - - -
Dream #408
We're married, we're living on our own, we never have to answer to anyone but ourselves, and we never have to worry about money. We've always got enough to live the way we want to. I'm making enough to employ my friend, to allow my wife to go back to school and to be able to put a huge chunk of money in savings while still developing my creative side. Life is one giant happy ride!
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Dream #407
After years of random hookups and essentially being friends with benefits, we've ended up living in the same state, same city, same apartment, same bed.
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Dream #406
I have finally gotten the opportunity to work in America after years of trying. Now that I'm working here, I'm closer to the woman I love with every fiber of my being and we are finally together. I have never been happier in my life!!!!!
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Dream #405
I am surrounded by nature. I am enjoying the natural beauty of the earth. It is no longer polluted, the plants and animals flourish alongside humankind.
People now think about how the way they live their lives affects everyone else on the planet.
There is no war for oil. There is now a hard backed monetary system that uses precious metals. There are no slaves, terrorists, gangs, criminals or violence. There is no way any of those can occur when everyone has an equal opportunity and is provided for. Everyone loves their life because they get to spend it doing things that they enjoy!
Peace was possible without politics, we simply looked to science.
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People now think about how the way they live their lives affects everyone else on the planet.
There is no war for oil. There is now a hard backed monetary system that uses precious metals. There are no slaves, terrorists, gangs, criminals or violence. There is no way any of those can occur when everyone has an equal opportunity and is provided for. Everyone loves their life because they get to spend it doing things that they enjoy!
Peace was possible without politics, we simply looked to science.
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Dream #404
I have never been happier to get all this support from all my fans and each and one of you mean the world to me because without you there would be no me, the fact that you guys can all accept me shows that no one should ever be judged we all need each others support, all my wealth that I got from you I will be sure to try and spread as much as I can to help you grow and ever make your own dreams come true like you did for me thank you everyone and please never stop believing.
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Dream #403
I have made enough money to support both Proyecto Miriam and Pro Mujer. I run a successful non-profit organization that significantly helps women in their careers.
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Dream #402
I have won the PowerBall lottery.
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Dream #401
I have been sober for an entire year! My life is so much better. School is going great. I have made a lot of new friends.
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Dream #399
I'm with my baby. That's all I want.
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Dream #398
I have finally paid off all my debts and will be moving into a house with my fiance' real soon.
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Dream #397
I dream of moving through the world, learning from all of my experiences and using those lessons as keys to a successful future full mental and emotional wealth.
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Dream #396
I finally married my man after nine years of going steady. We'll never be apart and there is no good byes :)
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Dream #395
Thank you for my little girl growing up to be a compassionate, charming, well rounded lady. She is a joy to be around, and can give a good argument for something she believes in! She graduated with a degree and is to marry the man of her dreams.
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Dream #394
We ended up working out and living in New York with the jobs we always longed for and got married and lived happily ever after.
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Dream #393
I met a guy that I really like. He makes me really happy and he actually likes me too. We are sitting together on my lovesac
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Dream #392
I'm a leader... I'm changing the world by giving people confidence to be happy within themselves and to break society's expectations.
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Dream #391
I am really really happy!
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Dream #390
I am happily married to Payton and we have a beautiful life together.
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Dream #388
I have written the book/ or screen play that I have always wanted to write and it was extremely successful and making tons of money.
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Dream #387
We have moved to exactly where we want to live, we have the house of our dreams, we both are done with school and doing exactly what we want to be doing...our kids are happy, healthy and growing up and we have enough money that we don't have to worry about what bills to pay or how we are going to have to pay for this or that when we need it. We have everything we need and are content and happy.
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Dream #386
The girl of my dreams who broke up with me a few months ago came back into my life and we are happier together now more than ever.
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Dream #385
I have found a man to treat me right and who I can love with all my heart so I won't end up alone and unhappy like my divorced parents did.
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Dream #384
I've reached a point my career where I feel I am actually contributing something valuable. |
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Dream #383
I have the man of my dreams who loves me more than I can explain.
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Dream #382
I am happy, debt free, in excellent health, living in my own house, gainfully employed and enjoying work-life balance.
All my family is in the pink of health and we continue to be close-knit.
I am wiser. I am forgiving. I speak and act only from a place of love.
I say yes only to what makes me happy and am able to say no to what doesn't.
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All my family is in the pink of health and we continue to be close-knit.
I am wiser. I am forgiving. I speak and act only from a place of love.
I say yes only to what makes me happy and am able to say no to what doesn't.
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Dream #381
I am a famous artist! Everyone wants my work! The cover of Artforum? Why, yes!
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Dream #380
I am tattooing and own my own shop. I have pulled my mom away from the horrible man she decided to marry when I was a teenager. My kids do not have to worry about money EVER. I am happy. I have my dream. -TSS
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Dream #378
I'm living my dream. I fell in love and I am loving it.
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Dream #376
I am rich and I don't need to go to work anymore. I can finally concentrate on my own projects, and it's not too late.
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Dream #375
I have my good health back.
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Dream #374
Many years have come and gone and I have finally been able to establish myself financially. Finding myself in this position, I convince my mother to let me fly her out to live with me so she can be far away from everyone that has hurt her so badly.
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Dream #373
I'm motivated to stop procrastinating and get things done.
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Dream #372
I have my visa and I can finally be married to my fiance who I've been going back and forth from continents for a few years now. No more worrying about having to say goodbye ever again.
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Dream #371
Since my van was old and I had no money to fix it, I played the lotto and won just enough to get a new car, plates and insurance. I now have more self esteem and more confidence. Thank you for answering my prayer...
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Dream #370
I am with the right person, who loves me, and whom I love.
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Dream #369
A successful bowel movement.
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Dream #368
I have made lots and lots of money so that I can use it to help the people around me. I want to buy my parents a large house in which they can live comfortably.. And for me, I just want a peaceful life.
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Dream #367
I am happy. I focus on the basics that I know I need to watch to keep my mood elevated. I remember when my mood slips that I have the power of Divine Openings to find my way back. I see the possibilities of the future. I only keep score when the score is in my favor. I believe in myself. I write my novel religiously when my elevation is high enough.
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Dream #366
William realized that he is in love with me and wants to be with me more than anyone else.
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Dream #365
we are traveling around the world on a long, leisurely holiday, working to make money to further our travels. We have experienced the wonders of new cultures and learned so much more about each other and our lives together. This is the life we want to lead, helping others and learning new things, and most of all, being together
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Dream #364
Jack and I are in love with each other and we live in a tree house on the coast of a Mediterranean island. I have helped transform the world to a resource economy and have captivated the hearts of nearly everyone on the planet with my art, wisdom, and love. I have amazing friends and I travel the world constantly with Jack and my friends. I teach at a school I started and see my family in Lithuania often, as well as everyone else important in my life. I have inspired billions and I am going down in history as one revolutionary, bad-ass woman who lived a happy life.
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Dream #363
I've just made it home from work to my 43rd floor loft in Manhattan, where I was congratulated on my recent breakthrough in vaccine development. The strong and handsome man in my life had come home early from work to make a great smelling and even better tasting meal of grilled salmon and aspargus. He greated me with a knee weakening kiss and a glass of chilled sauvignon blanc. We finish packing for our 2 wk vacation to Italy and enjoy the rest of the bottle while making each other laugh, making stimulating conservation about global politics, and making love. Finally I am with someone I feel intense passion for who truly loves me, working at a job that compels me and having the time and money to enjoy the rewards.
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Dream #362
I am content with what I have... not with actual tangible items, but rather with the people around me. Happiness is over-rated; there is much more "peace" hidden in contentment.
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Dream #361
We're lying in bed together, me and him. We're drunk, horrendously drunk, but sober enough to talk to one another. He holds me close and kisses me. We act accordingly for a while, holding each other, clumsily kissing one another.
"I have a boyfriend," I tell him, as though he does not know.
"I know," he responds, holding me closer.
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"I have a boyfriend," I tell him, as though he does not know.
"I know," he responds, holding me closer.
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Dream #360
I am completely safe. Falling in love with you was effortless and euphoric experience. You love me more than I could ever have anticipated, but exactly how I deserve and you constantly remind me of this. You continue to surprise me and make me smile with the little things that you do, like buying me flowers, cooking me special meals, sharing your favorite poetry, and just holding me. I do the same for you. Falling in love with you was a healing experience. I am not afraid. I maintain my own identity outside of the relationship, as do you. My name is safe in your mouth, and I feel a difference in how I say yours. Thank you for you, and thank you for us. I am blessed.
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Dream #359
I held you all night. Sweetly.
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Dream #358
I am still happy and in love with my boyfriend Dylan 3 years into our relationship.
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Dream #357
I'm sitting in the living area of a small home, or maybe a medium-sized apartment, a cup of warm tea in my hand, gazing into Jordon's eyes. We're discussing the prospects of this new home, our home. Both of us beaming with joy, totally enamored in every wall, every square inch of floor. We keep chattering about the beauty of the place until it becomes almost redundant. We get to a point where we just want to sit in silence and enjoy. So we lay on the bed, our bed, and drift into a seamless sleep that we can gladly wake up from the next morning still laying beside each other and spend as many moments as we want lingering in the bed waiting for the necessity to leave the house, our house.
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Dream #356
Thank You universe for giving me a first class degree and enabling to have a first in my exams. Thank you for providing me with a fantastic career and husband which both make me extremely happy!
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Dream #355
We have discovered the brotherhood of man. And it is good.
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Dream #354
I am living happily married to my high school sweetheart
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Dream #353
I am a famous film producer and I have a wonderful husband and 3 adorable kids. My daughters resemble me and they are my world. I have the happiest life in the world, traveling and doing everything that people always told me I wouldn't be able to do. I live in Australia. I am still best friends with my best friend Christie. I am full of love and happiness and never think of ending my life earlier.
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Dream #352
I am with the one person I have ever loved in a warm summer meadow lying in the warm grass staring at the white light clouds high in the sky. We don't need to talk - we are happy just to be together.We have been together for ever and still love one another so much.
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Dream #351
I am a global nomad, traveling the world helping those forgotten by the global community, reminding them that they are important just because they are human. When the journey becomes weary, I return home to a home filled with the laughter of my husband and children. Only for them to join me in the next trip across the world.
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Dream #350
I am free, happy, and in love. And I love not just an amazing person but the world, too. And everything is perfect because of this.
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Dream #349
I am a high school music educator. I love my job. And I love all of the people around me.
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Dream #348
I AM with the most perfect girl in the world. She DOES love me. I DO love her with every fiber of my being. I DID tell her I love her and don't want to live without her.
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Dream #346
I am able to live without fear.
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Dream #345
My boyfriend told me he loved me and we've been together for a very long time!
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Dream #342
I just came out of the closet!!!
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Dream #341
My final went wonderfully and I am confident about graduating. I also believe that I deserve good things as I worked very hard.
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Dream #340
I'm really happy to say that I've finally found my passion in life. It's exciting, diverse, and fulfilling. I'm so glad I have this fire inside me!
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Dream #339
my boyfriend is the most wonderful thing that has happened to me in a long time.... he makes my life complete :)
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Dream #338
I am an extra dimensional being with the power to warp space-time. With the snap of my wand or the pluck of my string I am omniscient. Vibrations fill the air interfere with the energy of an all seeing cognitive watchtower
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Dream #337
I'm happy. No drama. No drugs. Just love. Someone who will accept me for who I am, and respect what I've had to live with. Someone who my family and friends will like. But most importantly me. Kylie is happy with someone who loves her, and Courtney is nice to everyone. I am helping people with their problems, and making a difference in my world :)
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Dream #336
I am in a good and loving relationship with the most lovely, gorgeous, caring guy. I'm still surrounded by the friends I've always had and the career I've always wanted is starting to develop well. I am happy.
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Dream #335
I have found complete and total security in life. I live in bliss and happiness, and everything is as free and easy as the first weekend day after payday.
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Dream #334
I am a poet, musician, and activist, living with an awesome boyfriend.
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Dream #333
My dream is to live my life to the fullest. To have the resources, time and love required to make my life more full, contentful and full of wonder. My dream is to love beyond my wildest dreams and to be loved unconditionally. My dream is to travel the world and realize that life is more than the expectation I and others have set out for myself.
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Dream #332
I am in Venice Beach California with my love. Me and him reunite after being apart for so long. I have forgotten about this tiny town, forgotten that my mother gave me up and sent me here 'cause I'm with my babe again!
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Dream #331
I am with my mom again. Happy and wealthy. Far away from family drama.
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Dream #330
I won a few millions playing the lottery and was able to help out the 15 people I said I would. Our lives are a little bit easier and we all have peace of mind. :)
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Dream #329
I`m in a loving and wonderful relationship
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Dream #328
I fell in love, because I came to love myself first. I love selflessly, and live carelessly I believe I am the most perfect me I could ever be.
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Dream #326
My mom beat her cancer so that one day down the line she can hold my kids.
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Dream #325
I surfed the biggest wave!
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Dream #324
I looked in the mirror today and I didn't feel ugly, I felt beautiful
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Dream #323
I am a professional DJ traveling the world.
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Dream #322
I know why I am the way I am
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Dream #321
I am loved by the man I love and we are happy and contented. We live well and enjoy life, filled with friends, travel and fun.
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Dream #320
The distance isn't an issue for us any longer. I have only to speak his name to know he is with me. We wake each morning next to each other, and fall asleep in the circle of one another's arms.
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Dream #319
I am a self published photo-journalist traveling the world with my loving husband and two children.
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Dream #317
I AM not concerned with others judgments, I AM living my life for me, I WILL find someone who accepts my pretty with the ugly and I WILL commit myself to someone with all I have, because they have done the same to me.
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Dream #315
Everyone in the world has as much money as they wish and a constant incoming & outgoing flow as they wish.
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Dream #314
The world is at peace, and there are no corrupt people running our society. We have made the change to renewable energy, diminishing our dirty and unclean ways of getting fuel. All animals are treated with the respect as well the environment we live in.
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Dream #313
I have become the best me that I can be.
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Dream #312
I have a job that is fun, allows time for other personal activities and interests, I get to travel, and help people.
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Dream #311
I'm in love with my boyfriend, he's my greatest support system and never fails to make me feel like I can reach for the stars. He treats me like I'm the only thing in the universe and I appreciate him more than anything. I'm just waiting for him to feel the same.
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Dream #310
I don't have to worry about money. I am not filthy rich, just confident that if I want to take a friend out to dinner I am not regretting it later.
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Dream #309
I have backpacked across Europe with nothing but a travel guide and a frame pack.
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Dream #308
I just got a high paying, easy job that will let myself and my life to be lived happily ever after!
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Dream #307
I'm married to the man of my dreams and he loves me so good and we take care of eachother, laugh a whole lot, and have a interesting, unique and happy life. I even got to have the most beautiful, healthy baby that looks just like him! I feel like the luckiest woman in the world and am so grateful.
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Dream #306
I am succeeding in my degree, have my own wonderful space with my loving boyfriend, and let the past go.
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Dream #305
I am a jockey and was the first woman to win the Kentucky Derby and am on my way to win the Triple Crown!
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Dream #304
I've watched my creations on the big screen, in a theater with hundreds of people. Their reactions were what I've been waiting for my entire life.
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Dream #303
I am financially comfortable.
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Dream #302
I am a monk, spending my time cultivating food, and cultivating mind.
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Dream #301
The bleeding isn't serious and my wife and unborn baby are ok.
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Dream #300
I found a job this year. I will support myself through school and I will one day change the world by teaching children and sharing my love of art.
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Dream #299
I have come to terms with my gender confusion. I am a guy and the girl inside has gone away, or the other way around. As long as one gets picked it will be ok. I am happy again with being married to a woman who won't fuck me over. We're travelling together.
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Dream #298
My best friend who used to feel in love with me finally accepts me being in a relationship with his best friend.
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Dream #297
I just conquered my obesity
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Dream #296
I am wealthy enough to be able to give the woman I love the freedom to pursue the dreams she has put by the wayside for so long, and we're both very happy with it!
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Dream #295
I am wealthy financially, socially and a success in all my endeavours
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Dream #294
My girlfriend and I will make it through this hard time of being apart and be together happily for a long time
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Dream #293
I raised a happy family and married a man who makes me shine.
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Dream #292
The woman I have adored and worshiped for nearly 4 years finally has admitted to herself and the world she feels the same as me
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Dream #291
I want things with a certain person to work out so we can grow and learn from each other.
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Dream #290
I am successful and happy.
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Dream #289
I feel happy, safe and secure.
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Dream #288
At last i've achieved happiness for everyone around me.
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Dream Archive
- ► 2012 (241)
May 18
- Dream #421
- Dream #420
- Dream #419
- Dream #418
- Dream #417
- Dream #416
- Dream #415
- Dream #414
- Dream #413
- Dream #412
- Dream #411
- Dream #410
- Dream #409
- Dream #408
- Dream #407
- Dream #406
- Dream #405
- Dream #404
- Dream #403
- Dream #402
- Dream #401
- Dream #400
- Dream #399
- Dream #398
- Dream #397
- Dream #396
- Dream #395
- Dream #394
- Dream #393
- Dream #392
- Dream #391
- Dream #390
- Dream #389
- Dream #388
- Dream #387
- Dream #386
- Dream #385
- Dream #384
- Dream #383
- Dream #382
- Dream #381
- Dream #380
- Dream #379
May 13
- Dream #349
- Dream #348
- Dream #347
- Dream #346
- Dream #345
- Dream #344
- Dream #343
- Dream #342
- Dream #341
- Dream #340
- Dream #339
- Dream #338
- Dream #337
- Dream #336
- Dream #335
- Dream #334
- Dream #333
- Dream #332
- Dream #331
- Dream #330
- Dream #329
- Dream #328
- Dream #327
- Dream #326
- Dream #325
- Dream #324
- Dream #323
- Dream #322
- Dream #321
May 18